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Urban Terror
Urban Terror 4.3.3 release

in Urban Terror - posted Wednesday, 28 February 2018 by FrozenSand

Bugs squashed!

While the development team is working hard on Urban Terror Resurgence with the goal to bring it to your screens quickly, we have cooked a 4.3.3 release for Urban Terror : Still Dying.
Information: This release contains several important security fixes and various bug fixes and improvements. It is highly recommended to update as soon as possible.
To update your game client, simply run the UrTUpdater executable from your game folder. You can alternatively download the full Urban Terror 4.3.3 pack or the 4.3.2 to 4.3.3 update package.


Security fixes

Fixed CVE-2017-6903 #73
Fixed a potential buffer overflow exploit with the funstuff cvars
Fixed a potential exploit with the cl_guid variable
Fixed a potential exploit: do not allow loading .menu files from the /download/ subfolder and enforce menu files to have the .menu extension
Fixed a potential exploit where the result of the /stats command called by a spectator while following a player would be sent to the followed player instead of the spectator
Fixed a potential exploit with ROM and INIT cvar types being forced to USERINFO


Fixed the server browser not showing any server when using the legacy Quake 3 engine
Fixed modern ioq3 engines crashing with the error "Engine linkage error #31" #399

Match Mode

Fixed the substitute status being sometimes applied when g_matchmode = 0 #404
Fixed substitute players randomly spawning and being invincible on map restart in certain game modes

Jump Mode

Fixed wrong value of y-axis being used when loading a saved position in Jump mode #80
Jump mode: fixed persistent position saving which was sometimes loading another player's saved position #131


Gun Game: fixed being stuck with the HK69 when playing with g_randomorder 1 #394
Tweaked the FR-F1: torso/vest hits make players bleed. Zoom reset if getting >= 50% of damage (previously: 20%)
Tweaked P90's and Benelli's positions on screen #217
Potentially fixed fire mode of a spectated player's weapon being sometimes picked up #7
Fixed bots failing to load on Cascade and Kingdom
Tweaked bot files for UrT 4.3.3


Fixed g_inactivity timer inconsistencies #414
Fixed the rcon "players" command that wasn't always displaying player's auth names #419
Fixed /rcon players command returning wrong slot and IP values for clients
Added current half info to /rcon players if g_swaproles is set to 1
Fixed a bug where a map_restart after changing the g_matchmode cvar would spawn the same random weapon an infinite number of times #81
Fixed g_redteamlist and g_blueteamlist not always being recognized as valid server cvars #83


Potentially fixed the "Couldn't find weapon xx" error which was introduced in 4.2.014
Fixed the TOD50 texture file size which was causing a crash on map load when using the legacy Quake 3 engine
Updated quake3's master server port in server_example.cfg (please update your custom server configs!)
Fixed the server browser showing several times the same servers when quickly refreshing the list multiple times
Clarified server browser filter options
Fixed a bug where spamming a key binding while downloading a map would result in a "client overflow" game crash
Fixed ignore list not being saved on map reload/change and other inconsistencies with the /ignore command #23
Replaced all .png textures with .tga textures to fix some UI elements not being displayed correctly when using the legacy Quake 3 engine

Many thanks to the players who have reported issues on our GitHub repository, as well as community developers who contributed to the engine code, menus files and bot files: Ionkamikaze, IyeOnline, mickael9, NotVeryGood, Z3nny and travmon.
comments: Feel free to discuss this on our forums

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