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Flawless UTCS Spring 2024 group phase games summary

posted 9 days ago

Flawless UTCS Spring 2024 season is about to hit the play-off phase. There are the last games to be played for the group stage and everything can change last minute yet. Lucky for you there are stream records available in case you might have missed some of the games. The detailed rankings can be found with the tables down below.

Team Survivor:

Capture the Flag:

Stream records:

jp ((+ vs as bz. in TS :

eu reverie` vs co BOSS| in TS & CTF :

us |30+| vs eu wG*J* in TS & CTF :

eu wG*T* vs us |30+| in CTF :

eu reverie` vs ar MD# in TS :

jp ((+ vs eu reverie` in CTF :

eu wG*J* vs eu wG*T* in TS :

eu reverie` vs pt =NC= in TS :

bt RAW# vs pl OP| in TS :

bt RAW# vs as bz. in TS :

Play-off phase starts from 04/06/2024. Don't miss it!

Community chamber #9

posted 1 month ago
Welcome back to another Community Chamber post. The last few weeks have been really interesting in terms of community creativity. We have had some very nice frag movies, jump movies and also a flashback from the past clip posted. Let's rewind some of them together!

I would like to start with quite a long upload from frHeMP called The Last Dance. It's a nostalgic frag movie bringing back the 2015 year of fragging to your screen. I am sure many of you will see familiar nicks & friends in this video. So let's not wait any longer and let's dance to the rhythm of bullets.

Another blast from a more recent past would definitely be a production coming out from usbzegs. I am so thankful that the era of the events from the title of this clip are over but we can still witness some heavy gaming that occurred while everyone was locked at homes. The frag movie is filled with tense clutches and nice plays from the author with the doze of summer vibes. What more can you ask for?

It's a must to mention the brilliant clips made by deArnoldus. Please forgive me but I have to post them all because I can't pick the best one to feature in this blog post. They are all great!

In the meantime Urban Terror got featured on another Youtube channel with over 21000 subscribers. The author is known for playing some old classic games in the modern times and from what you can see he realy liked our game. I hope it's not the last time he promotes Urban Terror across his audience and it could definitely help if you guys could show some support under that video. Thank you Shouneyboy <3

Another interesting upload is named UT4_Algiers_de_v01 for CS Beta 6 walkaround and it might sound odd to some of you but it looks like Urban Terror map Algiers actually inspired someone to remake it and adapt it to Counter Strike scenery. You have read it all right, don't scratch your head. Urban Terror map is getting converted in to Counter-Strike 1.6 engine. Full evidence in the clip attached.

We all know that game isn't designed only to shoot, some players find it better with jumping and here comes itUlbens with his latest community video featuring frVivaldi, auShans, frstupz, sequak, brGooti, deCoffe and many more. Total number of 19 maps being jumped is impressive with the 4K video quality. All the jumps are close to impossible to repeat and definitely worth watching. I hope you will enjoy it!

Hear you soon Terrorists!

Flawless UTCS Winter 2024 Play-offs

posted 2 months ago

We have now progressed to the very final stages of the current Flawless UTCS Winter 2024 season. During the last two weeks the teams have been competing in the play-off's games that will ultimately decide who wins in each category: Masters, Legends, Heroes. Let me quickly introduce the final rankings after the group stages for both game types.

Team Survivor:

Division 1:

Division 2:

Capture the Flag:

Division 1:

Division 2A:

Division 2B:

So now the current play-off cup trees looks like this:

Team Survivor:

Capture the Flag:

We are 10 Matches away from the Decoration Ceremony for the Flawless UTCS Winter 2024 season. As usual you can rewind some of the games that have already been streamed on the Flawless TWITCH channel with the help of their streaming crew.

uno rM` vs us XiN` in TS:

as bz# vs jp ((+ in CTF:

ve pilo vs jp ((+ in TS:

jp ((+ vs ar MD# in CTF:

eu intel* vs uno rM` in TS:

eureverie` vs jp ((+ in TS:

eu reverie` vs jp ((+ in CTF:

eu wG** vs pl OP| in TS:

Stay tuned for more info next week!

Community chamber #8

posted Wednesday, 13 March 2024

This episode of Community Chamber I would like to devote to Twitch streamers that have been really busy lately. Anyone who does not have enough time to play can hop in to the stream and watch some real time Urban Terror action in many game types. Jumps , pickups , public or even some mapping. Don't believe me? See these short Twitch clips that I have found interesting!

blazefantasyy: Hello!

b0c1aM: ezeee & JsN meeting mid!

Memnon : Soli says hello!

Hampus : sup lads?

Dewar : flying shoot

blazefantasyy : Does anyone need a medic?

holyarni : Capture the Frag?

Memnon : Surprise surprise

blazefantasyy : good night Flash

holyarni : holy crepe

holyarni: ut4_ulbrace_3 Speed run (Personal Best)

Ulbens: Urban Terror need new maps!

All the Streams can be found under the Urban Terror category using this link:

See You soon Terrorists!

Flawless UTCS Winter 2024

posted Thursday, 29 February 2024

We are in the middle of new Urban Terror Championship Serie hosted by the Flawless crew. The number of clans that signed up rised up compared to the Fall 2023 edition and that's promising. Let me quickly introduce divisions with both gametypes.

Team Survivor:

Division 1 Clans

ar#MD (ModoDiablo)
asbz# (boomers-zoomers)
plOP| (OverPowered)
ve.pilo (Team .pilo)
usno| (No Defiance)

Division 2 Clans

euwG** (Wasted Goats 2)
unorM`` (rMancos`)
us|RFA| (risenfromashes)
pe[Gz] (Gamer Zone)
usXiN` (XiN is Nameless)
euintel* (Intelligence)
usRapid- (Rapid Fire Team)
euYnG| (Youngsters)

Capture the Flag:

Division 1 Clans


Division 2 A Clans

uno[TFG] (The Forge)

Division 2 B Clans

us|30+| (30+|FireStorm)

So far many matches are still about to happen and it's realy hard to tell which team will make it to play-off stage. But there is already some Twitch Stream footage to watch for those of you that have missed the LIVE action. Links below!

Match videos:

Clan euwG** vs Clan us|30+| in CTF:

Clan euwG** vs Clan usRapid- in CTF & TS:

Clan euwG** vs Clan euYnG| in TS:

Clan usRapid- vs Clan unorM``| in TS:

Clan usRapid- vs Clan euYnG| in CTF:

Clan jp((+ vs Clan asbz# in TS:

Clan usRapid- vs Clan us|30+| in CTF:

Clan euintel*| vs Clan euwG** in TS:

Clan ve.pilo vs Clan eureverie` in TS:

Hope everyone finds themselves a good match stream to watch. More to come!

Hear you soon Terrorists!

Community chamber #7

posted Tuesday, 20 February 2024

Another Community chamber entry I would like to start with the hottest website on the Urban Terror planet right now. Those who don't know it yet let me quickly introduce the story behind it. Two gamers: dearnoldus and beRocket created the interactive webpage where you can test your knowledge about maps and pickup players. With these two categories, Mystery Maps or Guess the Player, you have 5 chances to guess either the name of the arena that is being presented or in the other section the player's nickname based on the short youtube video action. Each time you have a few chances and after every wrong guess the website helps you out with hints. Each correct answer adds points to your account and there is a leader board displaying all contestants' scores. Does it sound like fun to you? Give it a try and test yourself then!

Link to the website is To play you will need a valid discord account!

Another Urban Terror review

Recently we've been lucky with some big YouTube channels giving us free promotions. Not long time ago, we had another upload on a big channel called Levan4kGaming. It was the chance to appear to the audience that might have never heard of Urban Terror before. Thanks to this video we are reaching out to over 48K of his subscribers. If you are reading this post blog because of that thank you!
As stated by the author, it's his yearly tradition to play some Urban Terror during the Christmas season. We like it! Keep it up!

Here is the clip I am talking about:

Flawless UTCS Winter 2024 streams

If you are still hungry for some more Urban Terror action here I come. This is an upload from Twitch stream by aRandomDude on his streaming channel with the dose of his shoutcast. The game is played by the teams: usRapid- and us|30+| in Capture the Flag mode for the current Flawless UTCS Winter 2024 CTF season. Two maps match goes smoothly and hell no I won't tell you who the winner is!

Watch and see:

Farloon Urban Terror CTF Frag movie #1

To finish the post with a satisfaction I can't miss the opportunity to present you one more video of the returning player that might have rediscovered the game thanks to the reviews that I have mentioned above. beFarloon the man I am talking about has just posted a video of his 1st week of gaming after a long break. From what we can see in the video it doesn't take much to refresh memory from the past and over 7 mins long clip is full of nice plays done on the public servers. Thanks for posting this movie and I hope it won't be the last one in the series. Keep it up beFarloon

Youtube video below:

See you soon Terrorists!

Community chamber #6

posted Tuesday, 09 January 2024
Welcome back to another Community chamber episode. I would like to start this blog post with two new/old (you decide how to call them) uploads from DisasterCasterLOL. First one is surely done for the entertaining purpose and I feel really sorry for all the guys that took part in this clip not knowing that ended up on Youtube. See for yourself what I mean:

The other video is an extended reupload on his own Youtube channel that have had its premiere over 13 years ago. The movie is edited by tarquin and you can really feel the nostalgia while watching it now. Let's rewind it:

While we are at jumping there's a new upload from meho called Cubix ft. Leo & meho. As always it is a really clean and smooth edit with nice music accompanying some good jumping skills. Good combo if you have 5 minutes to spare. Here is the video I am talking about:

The last clip I would like to share with you today comes from Blaze and is titled Fragshow 7. I wonder if you will be able to spot a bulldozer while watching it!

To wrap up all the things that have happened recently around Urban Terror it would be a shame not to mention that the 5th season of Pickup Games has ended on 11/12/2023. Let me quote the original message:

Final Standings:

If you aren't familliar with Pickups, in other words it's a game based on two teams with 5 players being picked by the captains of each team. With every game you either gain or lose ELO points that put you higher/lower in the rankings. The games are being played based on players locations/map votes and gametype picks. All that happens on a daily basis on an unofficial UrT Community Discord server. There are also tutorials on how to register and join the fun. It's a great opportunity to actually play versus some skilled players if you are tired of overcrowded public servers.

See you soon Terrorists!

Community chamber #5

posted Thursday, 14 December 2023
Between the Flawless League updates there is a time for another Community Chamber episode that I have prepared for every Urban Terror fan out there.

Let me start with the recent upload from M3T4L on his channel that is: a long promised Explosion Clan video, a decade later, but better late than never, huh? clip. The story behind it is simply recovered memories from the play time and evolution of authors clan being put up together into one long movie presenting as many members and clips as it was possible. It looks like they had a good time together and now you can feel it too with the YouTube clip:

While we are in the beta 4.1 - 4.2 era there is another good clip coming from over a decade ago. An updated and extended version of the movie that took part in the UrT Movie Contests hosted by us. In case you missed it like I did all the videos are still available for watching. This particular clip has been updated by DisasterCasterLOL and to me it is even better than the original.

Continuing the chamber post I would like to present you the link shared lately on our Discord server by one of the users proving that our game is still out there on the market and still being discovered by new players each day. I am really happy that there are still up to date reviews being posted on any social platform not strictly related to Urban Terror but games in general and we are still getting some air time on the channels with a decent number of subscribers. Can we prove the author is being wrong to put Urban Terror on the Dead Games list? Use your creativity and powers in the comments section below the clip. Anyways thanks to the Rye Games channel for promoting our game and spreading a good word about our community. Here's the video I am talking about:

This wasn't the only game review that I have discovered lately and the article you are about to read comes from the real depth of internet archives. There was no better source of knowledge and data about Quake 3 & mods than the Planet Quake Platform. I can't really figure the date of this article but it's a good read and definitely the real beginnings of the Urban Terror project. There is a good chat between an Urban Terror developers and Hellchick and all that can be read up with this link: Feel the Terror!

That's it for today. Hear you soon Terrorists!

Flawless UTCS FALL 2023 Finals

posted Saturday, 09 December 2023

The summary of all the other Finals that have been already played for this season is down below:

Team Survivor

Legends Bracket Final: tr banana. vs io velocity:

Masters Bracket Final: eu gucci` vs ve .pilo:

Heroes Bracket Final: eu wG** vs us XiN` 2 : 1

Capture the Flag

Masters Bracket Final: us Rapid- vs us XiN` 0 : 2

Heroes Bracket Final: us |RFA| vs us |30+|:

See you guys on Sunday!

Community chamber #4

posted Tuesday, 05 December 2023
While we are still waiting for Christmas to come I will use my chance to present you the thing everyone is waiting for. In other words the Urban Terror 5 footage done by one of the developers as a Halloween event in virtual version. If you haven't seen it yet check it out!

Staying in the dark themes we have a new map project waiting for some feedback on our forums called ut4_ancients. The arena is made by dasante and is oriented towards the Capture the Flag game mode.

If you want to learn more about this map feel free to visit the forum thread which contains a download link and an extended gallery.

Besides that we have a new upload from meho following the Halloween scenery with a dark and sketchy map called enigma_b1. Full clip here:

I would like to finish this episode with another retro upload on my YouTube channel dated back to 27/02/2012 and showcasing the For the Win League season 6 GlaD- vs # Tohunga CTF game. Some of the players are still around til this day. Isn't it some real dedication? No matter what you might think of the old 4.1 version this game is worth being published.

Hear you soon Terrorists...
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