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map cycling (in UrbTer 3.7) Rate Topic: -----

#1 Guest_marco75

Posted 18 September 2004 - 06:06 AM

I would like to practice this game with bots before venturing online.
I have placed two files called server.cfg and mapcycle.txt into q3ut3. I run

H:gamesQuake3quake3.exe +set com_hunkmegs 64 +set fs_game q3ut3 +exec server.cfg

After two halves of the bot match on ut_casa, it loads the stage again, ignoring the entries in mapcycle.txt completely. How do I set up map cycling?

======== server.cfg
//*** Administrator Info ***
sets Admin "Marco Nadal"
sets Email "m_nadal@yahoo.com.au"

//*** Server Name and Daily Message ***
set sv_hostname "MARCO"
set g_motd "Donate your memory stick today!!"// This is the message that will be displayed during loading.

//*** General Game Settings ***
set sv_maxclients "8" // The maximum number of connected clients allowed.
// set g_maxGameClients "8" // The maximum number of players that can actually join into the game. All other connected clients can only Spectate.
// set sv_privateClients "4" // sv_privateClients and sv_privatePassword allow for private slots on the server. Example: If sv_maxclients = 16 and sv_privateClients = 2 then there will be 14 public slots and 2 private.
set g_gametype "3" // 0 = Free-For-All, 1 = Single Player, 3 = Team Deathmatch, 4 = Team Survivor, 5 = Follow the Leader, 6 = Capture and Hold, 7 = CTF
set timelimit "15" // 0 = none
set fraglimit "10" // 0 = none
set g_referee "0" // Enable referee, 1 = enable, 0 = disable
set g_refnoBan "1" // If 1 ref will not be able to ban users
set g_aries "1" // 0 disables aries damage system - not advised

//*** Team Game Settings ***
set g_friendlyFire "0" // 0 = off, 1 = on
set g_maxteamkills "3" // Number of team kills allowed before kick.
set g_teamkillsforgivetimer "0" // Determines the number of minutes to forgive a tk. 0 is never.
set g_maintainTeam "1"
set g_followEnemy "1" // 0 prevents players from following members of opposing team.
set g_teamForceBalance "1" // Prevent users from joining lopsided teams.

//*** Survivor Specific Settings ***
set roundtimelimit "3" // 0 = none
set g_survivorRoundDelay "5" // Delay between rounds in team survivor.
set g_survivorRoundTime "4" // Length of a round in team survivor.

//*** CTF Specific Settings ***
set capturelimit "10" // 0 = none

//*** Passwords ***
set rconpassword "" // Remote administration password.
set g_refPass "" // Set referee password
//set sv_privatePassword "" // Password for private slots on server. Client enters password by typing "set password -----" at the console.
//set g_password "" // Used to password protect the server. Client enters password by typing "set password -----" at the console.

//*** Warmup ***
set g_doWarmup "0" // 0 = off, 1 = on
set g_warmup "0" // Warmup time in seconds.
set g_respawnDelay 7
set g_respawnProtection "7" // Protects players for X seconds after respawn
set g_precipAmount 256
set g_enablePrecip 2

//*** Bot Setup ***
set bot_enable "1" // 0 = off, 1 = on
set g_spskill "3" // Determines the skill level of the bots on a server variables 1-5, 1 being lowest and 5 being nightmare.
set bot_minplayers "4" // This command manages the addition/removal of autobots. Bots will leave if there is not enough room on the server. As people join, the bots remove themselves one at a time to allow room for the addition of players.

//*** Server Settings ***
set sv_pure "1" // A Pure server will only let users connect if they have the exact same .pk3 files in their q3ut directory as the server does. Helps stop cheaters from using modified code.
set g_allowvote "0" // 0 = off, 1 = on
set sv_allowdownload "0" // 0 = off, 1 = on
set gamename "Q3UT3"
set sv_maxRate "8000" // Sets the maximum allowable rate a client may have set when connected to the server. A suggested setting is 8000 or 10000 so server bandwidth is not used up by high speed clients, thus allowing modem players to have a smoother game.
set logfile "0" // Turn logging on/off
set g_log "server.log" // This is to set the name of the output file. By default it's "games.log".
set g_logsync "1" // Enable buffered logging
set g_logroll "1" // Roll over logs to prevent any one from getting too large
// set g_inactivity 3000 // Number of seconds before an inactive player is kicked.

//*** Map Rotation ***
set g_mapcycle "mapcycle.txt"
map ut_casa



#2 User is offline   HoboHumpinSlut (old) Icon

  • Joined: 07-February 04
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Posted 18 September 2004 - 11:03 AM

g_swaproles 0

read the readmes ;)

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