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What's The Deal With The Sr8...

#1 Guest_Crystaline

Posted 20 May 2004 - 10:56 PM

Ok, before you start reading this please understand that this is not another flame at SID or rant about the Sr8 changes.

I have been playing this game for three years or more now and I have to say that there is no other game out there that has the speed and fun factor that Urban Terror has. With 3.5 and 3.6 however, I don't see that speed anymore. My main complaint is that I've been an avid Sr8 user for my whole gaming career and have developed a very good skill for it, but after these three years SID has decided to raise the movement penalty exponentially thus killing my, and MANY other people's, style of sniping. I don't mind the fact that SID changed this, but moreover the fact that they waited so long to make this change. I have learned the Sr8 out of bad habbits I guess you might say, but nonetheless I learned to snipe by strafing. Now all the people who are in favor of this change can, and will, post here saying that I need to learn how to snipe with my hand and not me feet. Well the fact of the matter is that I shouldn't have to learn how to snipe at all. I already know how based on the past three years that I have been playing this game and for SID to reintroduce such a drastic change after such a long period of time is very unprofessional. Had SID taken action on this problem earlier on I, and I doubt anyone else, would have a problem with it. Many of the complaints on these forums are from people who have spent time playing a game that they would like to focus their skill on, only to have the skills they have learned taken away from them.

Countless times throughout the testing in QA I spoke to 27 about the changes for the Sr8, and many of those times resulted in a kick from the IRC channel with both of us being royally ticked off, which I appologize for and do not wish for a similar outcome in this thread. However, the answer given to me time and time again is that if you go on a public server you will see that 80% of the players are using a Sr8. What is wrong with this? I constantly stated that not all of the players using the Sr8 were skilled with it, and that is the truth. What does public play have to do with an Sr8 issue anyways? We want this game to be fair for both competitive and casual play, not push players away from the skills they have spent so long working up. Before you know it, there will be another discussion about how 80% of the people on a public server are using automatic guns and how they need to be fixed to get the mix just right. The fact of the matter is that when 80% of the players were using the Sr8, 100% of the other players not using it were fully capable of taking them out. If you are getting killed by someone who is carrying a Sr8 around for their second time in game then that is not the reason to make such drastic changes to the mod.

In the end of this it is clear that had SID not changed the Sr8 in the first place that none of these threads would be on the forum. Making such a huge change to the playing style of many players, 80% of them according to SID, after such a long period of time is clearly why we are all angry.

It makes me wonder if playing this game nightly to get better is even worth it anymore, maybe there will be another huge weapon change that puts the people using the LR or the M4 in the shoes of those who have been using the Sr8 from 2.5 until now.

Again, this is not to start a flame war or bash SID. Obviously many people are mad about this change and if all we do is complain without offering changes then we will get nowhere. Effective criticism is appreciated.

#2 User is offline   brolly (old) Icon

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Posted 20 May 2004 - 11:10 PM

wow, another sr8 thread. Just what we need.

You do realize that the 3.6 sr8=2.5 sr8 right? So, if you have been playing for 3 years then you will learn to use this sr8 as you had back in 2.5.

IMO the game play has sped up more than slowed down. No more peek-a-boo sr8 shots so you feel like rushing more.

ps- 3.4 sr8 took zero skill to use.

#3 Guest_Pru

Posted 20 May 2004 - 11:24 PM

common, the best 2 weapons in the game were the boot and the Sr8. they've basically taken these out. the fun of playing is gone, only reason i play now is for jumps.... boring :?

why did they go back to 2.5 sr8? surely urban terror progressed to 3.6 for a reason, and now to go back and take all the bad bits make it worse than ever... WHY?

+ what's the deal with the NV's, why? :?

neway, the game sux now :cry:

#4 Guest_Crystaline

Posted 20 May 2004 - 11:26 PM

I know that the Sr8 in 2.5 was the same as it is in 3.5 and 3.6, but being that I started then it is easy to see that I had not developed any skills yet.

As for the Sr8 movement penalty speeding up the game I see no way that you can claim this. Sure, there are no more peek-a-boo shots but in order for you to hit every shot you take like many people were able to from 2.6 until now you need to sit in the back at your spawn.

Also, as many of you are claiming that it is still possible to rush with the Sr8 in 3.6, the rushing is no where near as effective as that of 2.6 and higher. In previous versions, if you had a skilled sniper on your team they could clear out any passage or any area for the rest of the team, and if you had a sniper that was not skilled then you would be screwed by the automatic users. Apparently the fact that teams on public servers used Sr8's was a problem and someone saw it fit to change that. In reality, when you played a match it was extremely rare to see a team with more than two snipers. People used the Sr8 on public servers in order to get good at it and raise their skill level. It's almost as if SID is trying to punnish players for practicing with their weapon of choice.

Brolly, it is not true that it took no skill to use the Sr8 in 3.4 and earlier versions, or servers would be 100% Sr8 users and no one would miss a shot. There were skilled snipers in past versions and now the people who learned to snipe for 2.5 are happy again because they are the only skilled ones. But to be honest, there was nothing holding those old-school players back from using their skills in 2.6-3.4 that they gained in 2.5, as nothing changed for them except a greater number of skilled snipers.

The changes that SID makes should be a direct reflection of what the community wants, not what a select group of gamers believes. Being a member of QA I don't feel that it was adressed very well and a few select players were questioned on these changes and very few tested them out. More than half of QA is either inactive or does not voice their opinions.

If these changes are making the community mad, then they are obviously the wrong ones to make.

#5 Guest_WheresMyPants

Posted 20 May 2004 - 11:44 PM

my advise.
shut up and relearn the weapon.
i learned the hard way.... i did the same thing you did.
let me tell you something. - it will get you NOwhere!
no one listens, no one cares. all you will get is, stfu noob.
its a waste of your time....

if you do not believe me, go back and find the sr8 threads. pop, there are my posts.... whered it get me? nowhere. dont even bother anymore....

:edit: i have found that this gun actually grows on you..... or atleast it did on me. it was just done wrong (out of the blue) and done too quickly, ie too many changes too fast. (obviously with no informance to anyone, as in a surprise, we made drastic changes, now learn it...) worng approach.....


#6 Guest_Crystaline

Posted 20 May 2004 - 11:53 PM

Exactly, it was an extremely bad move by SID to introduce such a drastic change so suddenly. I don't feel comfortable in relearning the Sr8, it's just not what should happen in a game. Sure, in the beginning stages and development there will be many huge changes that are for the better, but waiting 3 years to make those changes is terrible.

Also, to quote 27 on a thread on these forums, "We want less people to use the SR8", that is what you want, not what the community wants. If there are all these posts about the changes recently made to the mod, then it is obviously not for the better. SID should base their changes on what the community wants, not what a select few want, especially in a change so gigantic as this.

#7 User is offline   StrayCat (old) Icon

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Posted 21 May 2004 - 12:17 AM

Look at it this way. Carry your ump when your moving... and if you see someone you can pick off then switch to the Sr8. No more of this running around with the Sr8 ready to zoom in and kill a person in one shot in a split second. Seriously... that was much lamer than any penalty the Sr8 has taken in 3.5/3.6. Fact of the matter is whenever a gun changes there will always be ppl out there that have to relearn the weapon... and in most cases they grow to love it. The one case this didn't happen was when the Sr8 got turned into a rail gun... the snipers back in the day were pissed... and some even left the game because of it. Now that it's back I'm looking forward to seeing some of those great players return to give it a try if not come back to compete.

And I would love to see a poll done with 2 choices and no posts at all just a simple choice.

The SR8

-Love it.
-Hate it.

Then REALLY see what the community thinks... because every single player I play with loves it... and if they don't then in most cases they weren't particularly fond of it in the first place in any version of urt. The only time I see it get critisized is on these forums. And even alot of ppl that critisized it at first have come back to say "hey... this guns growing on me"

I believe that the poll results would suprise you. ALOT of ppl that play urt don't even come to these forums... so when you act like your speaking for the community your not. All things considered.

#8 Guest_Crystaline

Posted 21 May 2004 - 12:20 AM

My complaint isn't so much about the changes implemented, but rather the timing of their implementaion. I feel that the past three years I have played Urban Terror for is now useless and all I can fall back on to keep playing this game is using an automatic or strafe jumping, short of taking the time to relearn the Sr8. If this is what it comes down to, and I can find the time to get my skill back, then I will gladly practice with the Sr8 but I will never feel that it is a change I should be making.

#9 User is offline   StrayCat (old) Icon

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Posted 21 May 2004 - 12:27 AM

If you are willing to let a little change and freshening up of the weapons totally hinder your game, and the game becomes completely worthless to you then I believe the real problem is within you, not the game. But thats just my opinion.

#10 Guest_WheresMyPants

Posted 21 May 2004 - 12:33 AM

you missed my advise. stop talking about it. its worthless.
just wait till newbie gets wind of this thread... :shock:

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