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[4.2] Update 4.2.008 Rate Topic: ***** 4 Votes

#131 User is offline   DeMS Icon

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 03:59 PM

View PostWolfseye, on 13 December 2012 - 08:40 AM, said:

What is your Problem with the Auth Name in the scoreboard ? Why should only an admin be able to find out who you're playing with ? If you have nothing to hide, you wouldn't have to worry that someone knows your Auth name. Its just valid in my opinion that I can find out who I am playing with on some Server. That shouldn't be a Admin-Only secret but is my right to know as well. Sorry, but suggesting it is not up to a player to know who he is playing with, makes your reasoning & intentions kinda questionable.

As long as you can't, as a regular player, see the other players IP (which is where I would draw the line when it comes to privacy), I don't see the issue that every player should be able to see other players Auth name. If a player has nothing to hide, he wouldn't have to worry about this.

However, as it is right now, the Auth names in the Scoreboard mess up the view when the name is longer. Best would be to create tabs in the Scoreboard so more information could be included in the scoreboard but wouldn't need to be shown in the same window.

The reason why Auth should be visible to Admins only is that it would limit player disputes, while at the same time it would help to get away from stalkers (I had one guy following me to several servers once, that's one of the reasons why I am always changing fakes nowadays) and people who attempts to troll you for no reason.

Being anonymous to conflicting players is a good way to stop trouble/harassment, while being visible to admins would make their job more efficient.

I don't see the drawback of not seeing the other player's auth -specially if problematic- while on a server if you can't do anything about it anyway. It just adds to the vast amount of possibilites to polarize the community into either awesome (unlikely) or complete garbage (where it tends to go naturally), as it allows further finger-pointing than what's available now.

This post has been edited by DeMS: 21 December 2012 - 04:00 PM

#132 User is offline   Wolfseye Icon

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 04:29 PM

View PostDeMS, on 21 December 2012 - 03:59 PM, said:

The reason why Auth should be visible to Admins only is that it would limit player disputes, while at the same time it would help to get away from stalkers (I had one guy following me to several servers once, that's one of the reasons why I am always changing fakes nowadays) and people who attempts to troll you for no reason.

Being anonymous to conflicting players is a good way to stop trouble/harassment, while being visible to admins would make their job more efficient.

I don't see the drawback of not seeing the other player's auth -specially if problematic- while on a server if you can't do anything about it anyway. It just adds to the vast amount of possibilites to polarize the community into either awesome (unlikely) or complete garbage (where it tends to go naturally), as it allows further finger-pointing than what's available now.

I guess its a matter of opinion. ;)

#134 User is offline   Txc Icon

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 07:47 PM

I found no reason to use the login for now since I don't play regulary & seriously these days , use my neighbour's wifi , there are no much servers disallowing playing without unlogged yet , ah , and after long , boring , annoying & extremely pathetic try of mine there is no chance for me to enter some league/cup in the near 10 to 1-2 years maybe .

Personal , temporary points , but still .
Sounds reasonable at least (doesn't it ?) , true or not cannot be proved via e-net .
And just as usually I recommend suggesting in more than 1 PoV rather than blind believing .

#135 User is offline   n1n Icon

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 08:42 PM

for crying out loud let the server admins decide wether they want to show auth name or not

i see no freaking reason this should be fixed, else i will strongly recommend players joining my server to log out from auth


#136 User is offline   ButterdBread Icon

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 08:47 PM

imo this whole discussion is a waste of time. The aim of the authname is to provide a simple solution for remembering and categorizing players.
Other games have an authname as well and you can't change it, it's most of the times a display name as well. If you complain about that you should never play a steam-based game anymore or any other game requiring a registration, because you can't change your name.

Unchangeable authnames are standard today. Thank all the people who are exploiting the game code by using hacks or cheats or who are simply idiots. They are responsible for these measures. Not the game developpers.

#137 User is offline   Driller Icon

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 08:51 PM

Well said FrankieV.

#138 User is offline   n1n Icon

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 10:39 PM

View PostFrankie V, on 21 December 2012 - 05:18 PM, said:

That being said is harassment, bullying, occurring, or is this just something that might happen based on foresight? As it stands the only players at the moment who have objections to the Authentication system seems to be those with malicious intent as they do understand the full impact such a system would have on their ability to continue bad behavior where under 4.1 there is no way to manage them at the server level.

You, like many others here, have misunderstood the point of this issue, where noone is really demanding auth name to be hidden by default, rather to be set as a option to turn off if some admins [happens i am one of them] decide to respect other players right to stay incognito or have other solutions for possible abuse [b3 for a start].

second- auth won't nor ever will stop people bullying one another, or misbehave, or even trying out new ways to troll, because humans imagination is far beneath any kind of restrictions. it's a never ending misery and auth won't be the perfect cure ever, but it has it's very good use in match mode, leagues, other competition where you might want to stay authentic. but thats another story.

last but not least- assuming anyone mind having another opinion as Yours has only "malicious intent" is shortsighted, simply a primitive exagerration and is disrespectful towards players who happen to be devoted to this game since beta 2. i don't really feel i deserved this kind of generalization.

i know noone will listen, but we should promote auth, assure people it's for everyones profit, hell i would even go for that UrT would promote authed users with bonuses non-authed would not have [gear/funstuff?]. but i have a strange feeling people won't pay this price. nor ever upgrade from 4.1.1 if we will keep finding new ways to disappoint them with "minor issues" like this one [since for some it isn't minor].

This post has been edited by n1n: 21 December 2012 - 10:39 PM


#139 User is offline   DeMS Icon

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 11:24 PM

View PostWolfseye, on 21 December 2012 - 04:29 PM, said:

I guess its a matter of opinion. ;)

No, it's a matter of enjoying a game.

View PostFrankie V, on 21 December 2012 - 05:18 PM, said:

The way I read this you seem to indicate that there are currently disputes taking place between players who are using the Authentication system to track players yet there does not seem to be any indication that stalking is actually occurring.

I never implied that this happened... On 4.2.
It does happen on 4.1 though, and that is without the "help" of Auth. Of course, on 4.1 a simple rename will allow you to fly under the radar of the troll/agressor and avoid it next time, whereas with Auth you're just giving him another tool, and the victim has no way to stop this from happening unless there's an admin on the server he is (which on most servers it's a rare occurrance), which can provide help (which tends to be rarer still).

View PostFrankie V, on 21 December 2012 - 05:18 PM, said:

At the top of the list of things the Auth system is designed to do is to is to establish a means to prevent cheating from occurring and to allow the community as a whole to become involved in keeping the servers clean from individuals of intent who can't hide behind a screen name.

If caught their account is suspended or out right banned and the ability to ban cheaters can just as easily be applied to players who misbehave by bullying other players in an unacceptable manner.

That’s to say players who's intention is to misbehave in an unacceptable manner can no more hide behind a screen name than the person being attacked and can be removed from all of the servers that have opted into the Auth system.

No one has ever disputed that point. That's why Auth should show the account name to the server admins.

The point is :

No player without any power on a server can do anything with the Auth info of another guy apart from malicious stuff.

View PostFrankie V, on 21 December 2012 - 05:18 PM, said:

In the past if banned at the server level one only needed to preform a few work arounds, that I'm sure server operators are aware of, and change their screen names and they are back in business. With the Auth system they now have to go through the effort of obtaining a new account which progressively gets more difficult.

Overall and by far transparency is a valuable deterrent that not only assists the server operators who opt in but as a means to assist the players themselves to be able to quickly identify trouble makers where the system could be expanded to excluded such players from the field.

What good can it do to identify trouble makers if it also makes it easier tenfold to identify targets and victims?

It's a system for player management (control and punishment mostly), so you need to give that power to people who can manage players (server admins).

There's no point in giving such powerful tools to regular players, they can be easily exploited.

View PostFrankie V, on 21 December 2012 - 05:18 PM, said:

That being said is harassment, bullying, occurring, or is this just something that might happen based on foresight? As it stands the only players at the moment who have objections to the Authentication system seems to be those with malicious intent as they do understand the full impact such a system would have on their ability to continue bad behavior where under 4.1 there is no way to manage them at the server level.

It has happened, it happens, and it will happen, because it's in the human nature of the weak to harass other people to feel superior.

I know of several cases on some communities, and while sometimes the problem ends up being dealt with, it usually takes at least days or weeks, at which point some people has already moved on to other games.

Let's say I've witnessed this happen a few times already.

On the other side, NO ONE in this discussion is opposed to auth. We're only giving good reasons to not to show auth names on the scoreboard for everyone, but rather only server administrators.

View PostButterdBread, on 21 December 2012 - 08:47 PM, said:

imo this whole discussion is a waste of time. The aim of the authname is to provide a simple solution for remembering and categorizing players.
Other games have an authname as well and you can't change it, it's most of the times a display name as well. If you complain about that you should never play a steam-based game anymore or any other game requiring a registration, because you can't change your name.

There's a few huge differences :
- On Steam, you can set your profile to private, and random people can't follow you around on the servers you play.
- On Steam, your in-game name and the one used trough the system is the same, but for security reasons it can be changed from the login name, plus you can change the in-game/system name on most games.
- On Steam, your game's GUID is available for everyone to see, but not your account name.

View PostButterdBread, on 21 December 2012 - 08:47 PM, said:

Unchangeable authnames are standard today. Thank all the people who are exploiting the game code by using hacks or cheats or who are simply idiots. They are responsible for these measures. Not the game developpers.

Auth names are perfectly fine.

What isn't fine is that everyone can see them and use them to do harm, thanks to a set of tools handed by the developers.

Auth should be aimed to make the game more enjoyable for legit, respective players, not to make their life even more difficult.

#140 User is offline   klabauterman Icon

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Posted 22 December 2012 - 12:54 AM

So far I've seen only non-authed players being asshats...

The argument that Auth makes it possible to harrass someone is only valid for servers with auth_notoriety "0".

And the argument works in both ways:
The possibility to stay 'incognito' can facilitate malicious intent.

Nothing is gained by 'hiding' auth names in /playerlist. An asshat that is harrassing someone is probably not a noob...

So, if there is no admin online then you're in bad luck, if auth name is shown or not...

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