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[4.2] Update 4.2.011 Rate Topic: -----

#131 User is offline   gsigms Icon

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Posted 16 April 2013 - 10:18 PM

Droogs is also a subliminal message for BK because I would love a real droogs skin set :)

#132 User is offline   Randomness Icon

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Posted 17 April 2013 - 02:09 AM

View PostTxc, on 16 April 2013 - 09:57 PM, said:

I've said many times there is fundamental difference between noob & newbie ;) .


I know someone who I bet would be flogging most pretty quickly, if he started playing UrT.
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#133 User is offline   beautifulNihilist Icon

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Posted 17 April 2013 - 03:14 AM

View PostDivinity, on 15 April 2013 - 03:56 PM, said:

Based on a fair bit of experience, I'm not sure I agree with your assertion. I'll try to dig up a demo of when we played M19 (high pingers) on Riyadh in a match once, but there was one time I was on their back left hill (from my view) with a G36, scoped in and shooting at them on the middle and they were barely moving from my perspective (i.e. strafing at me and then away) and I emptied a clip at one person. I was sitting still. I got zero hits or very near it. I wasn't spamming.

AND these scenarios get different results in 4.1 when an SR8 is used in place of a G36; even when the G36 uses slow, aimed, controlled taps which should have no deviation, the SR8 is far less likely to randomly miss. Maybe it's not the game engine itself, but there is a small but important bit of difference in weapon firing/timing characteristics which seems extremely odd [...impossible?] with hitscan weapons.
This is mostly a relic of 4.1.

View PostDivinity, on 15 April 2013 - 03:56 PM, said:

It may very well be that a high ping doesn't CAUSE the problem, but it's my experience that it makes it WORSE.

So far seems to be much less of a case in 4.2, but I need competition 4.2 play to really decide.

#134 User is offline   beautifulNihilist Icon

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Posted 17 April 2013 - 03:16 AM

View Postgsigms, on 16 April 2013 - 10:18 PM, said:

Droogs is also a subliminal message for BK because I would love a real droogs skin set :)

Every time I see Nikki, I still see her one set of eyelashes with a smile and a bowler hat.

#135 User is offline   authisaterribleidea Icon

Posted 17 April 2013 - 04:11 AM

a demo will only help you catch errors in the hitmesh IT won't help you if the server drops a cmd and doesn't tell the client about it and yes this happens more then you think it does because of well see below
to quote frankyv's post

from http://www.ra.is/unlagged/network.html

The server accepts client commands as they arrive. It makes one call to the VM per client command. This is the only time that players are ever updated. (That's why, when someone has a bad connection from their client to the server, they'll freeze in place or skip.) (See ClientThink() in g_active.c)
At 50ms intervals (if sv_fps is 20), a VM call is made to run a frame. All non-player objects (and bots) are advanced at this time. (See G_RunFrame() in g_main.c)
After the VM call to advance non-player objects, the server prepares and sends a snapshot to every client.
ill repeat the argument again for all the good its gonna do
up the sv_fps to 60 that way you give the unlagged code a higher granularity so it can cope with interruptions better its right there in black and white
few other `wrong` settings
\rate is still for some mind boggling reason defaulted to 16000 and cl_maxpackets is set to 30 by default either someone forgot a zero OR had a homer-moment because there is no reason on gods green earth to cap ANY of the network settings quake 3 just ins't capable of using any thing more then a negligible amount of band-with even if you ran it flat out with 32 players at 85FPS tick-rate you are still talking less then a 30% jump in consumption this topic has gone bank and forth about 1000 times between various people and i will give you credit you did make some adjustments finally so why not take it all-the-way according to you it is a "beta" aren't beta's for testing ?

the defaults for the network setting are well frankly ... wrong you are talking about settings that nobody touches unless there told by someone to change it make the defaults someware in the middle NOT at the low end say
cl_maxpackets 60 \rate 125000 [rate 25000 is a throttle it only kicks in if the data flow exceeds X @ 125packets 18 players this amounts to like 64000 you still have it limited to 32000 whats worse is that you defaulted it to 16000 why you insist on such low values is beyond my ablity to understand even if you made it "unlimited" and then played on a 32 slot server where everyone was running at 125FPS and cl_maxpackets 125 you are still only talking about 25KB/s including overhead

if you change it t 60 snaps and fix the defaults to some-ware in the middle and it DOESN'T get better for the people that can actually run the game at over 60FPS then I swear ill see to it that nobody brings the discussion up with you ever again I am getting old I don't have time for the song and dance anymore anyway

another point of contention is that you are still using ioquake 1.35 why aren't you on the 1.36+ branch its only been out for over two years
animations still have downs-syndrome
try climbing a ladder and moving on it and you get this poltergeist effect that's frankly disturbing
running and walking finally have achieved semblance of normality but the jumping and climbing and the grabbing need work I also see a lot of 'jitter' still witch makes it distracting to watch as well as a few clipping bugs where you can get your knee stuck in a wall
I think frankyv is trying to 'over-animate'
auth: displaying the authlogin to everyone is a REALLY bad idea add a var like sv_displayauthlogin 0/1 =0 only server admins can see it = 1 everyone with a password cracker can see it. no I don't care if you need to click a email link to change your password its just bad form to give out the username you use to login to _everyone_
authkey still doesn't paste correctly in the console requiring people to either type the dam thing out or hunt around for a text file in the folder to paste it in why brother with the key at all just write a login routine in the ui that connects to the urbanterror.info servers and does the auth
medic is broken yet again most likely related to whatever 'fix' you made to the medic X hits change it to you only run that particular check if you are taking damage

This post has been edited by authisaterribleidea: 17 April 2013 - 04:35 AM


#136 User is offline   authisaterribleidea Icon

Posted 17 April 2013 - 04:54 AM

to be blut I don't think any of you really understand why the whole snaps/rate/packet limit is so important but whatever
id absolutely love to get on ts3 you so I can explain all this further I hold no ill-will toward any of you
other then somedays you make my pull my hair out and scream at the monitor WHY WHY WHY

This post has been edited by authisaterribleidea: 17 April 2013 - 04:55 AM

#137 User is offline   beautifulNihilist Icon

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Posted 17 April 2013 - 07:23 AM

I'm not going to do any moderating or make any attempt to discuss anything with you directly, but there are a few points you make that I would also like an answer for.


auth: displaying the authlogin to everyone is a REALLY bad idea add a var like sv_displayauthlogin 0/1 =0 only server admins can see it = 1 everyone with a password cracker can see it. no I don't care if you need to click a email link to change your password its just bad form to give out the username you use to login to _everyone_

I've felt this way from the beginning, and I don't really like the default inability to alias [use a different name] to the entire server this creates. As an admin looking for hackers... this is no longer possible. Yeah, no good.
Why are we currently doing it this way?


another point of contention is that you are still using ioquake 1.35 why aren't you on the 1.36+ branch its only been out for over two years

Would this make sense to do? Would this make anything better/easier? Why aren't we on the updated branch?

I've heard most of these questions about sv_snaps and rate in other forums and dark alley, and I've used promod, but I don't ever remember a reason why we haven't increased them to more 2013 values...
Why is it we don't try increasing these in the default Urban Terror.exe?

#138 User is offline   TigerBeauty Icon

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Posted 17 April 2013 - 04:44 PM

I have to agree that its not usefull/needed that every single player can see your authname when in a server just as bN mentioned.
Hackers arent stupid (except for the fact that they are hacking) and if they are "regular" they know who the admins are, so the whole point of an admin being in the server under an alias is now useless, since the auth name is revealed.
Cheaters however are always stupid, they dont even care/notice if you are a member/admin of the server they joined.

I gotta give a big + for the hits!

ofc it depends on the server itself as well since not every server had that problem.
But on 4.1 on some servers the hits were to cry for and that wasnt improving the joy of gaming.
In 4.2 however I got my hits back, heads are dropping every minute ;) And if Im not hitting anything it isnt because the lack of hits, but lack of aim.

• Fixed ut_weaptoggle behavior(that was fixed in 4.2.010)

I use mouse_scroll UP for primairy and mouse_scroll DOWN for my DE.
before this weaptoggle behavior was fixed I had to scroll up once for my primairy and twice for secundairy (if I happened to pick up 1)

At first it was annoying, since I binded my scroll like this so I could skip the nades/secundairy, but after a little time and getting used to I rly liked it, so it was a bummer that it was fixed ;)

But overall Im happy with 4.2 and Im glad more different gametype servers are getting more and more populated
Caffeine and Nicotine, the main ingredients required to produce socially acceptable behavior in me and some alcohol to undo it all


#139 User is offline   Txc Icon

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Posted 17 April 2013 - 09:34 PM

View PostBladeKiller, on 16 April 2013 - 10:13 PM, said:

Droogs is from the movie A Clockwork Orange but their costumes were actually white. The orange skins from 4.1 are prisoner uniforms. The theme at that time was: "the girls in the gang have broken the guys out of jail and they are now running from the law". Fugitives fits them now that the Red Dragons are red again in 4.2 .

Also & book & the book was first .
In fact the authour of the book created the word '' Droog '' .
For further explanation what I've already said previous time .

Also who asked where '' Droog '' originate from , I really cannot see the question in that topic ?

Ah & I really don't care how the both teams are called , if someone thought so is wrong just mentioning some facts .

#140 User is offline   authisaterribleidea Icon

Posted 17 April 2013 - 09:41 PM

View PostbeautifulNihilist, on 17 April 2013 - 07:23 AM, said:

I'm not going to do any moderating or make any attempt to discuss anything with you directly, but there are a few points you make that I would also like an answer for.

I've felt this way from the beginning, and I don't really like the default inability to alias [use a different name] to the entire server this creates. As an admin looking for hackers... this is no longer possible. Yeah, no good.
Why are we currently doing it this way?

Would this make sense to do? Would this make anything better/easier? Why aren't we on the updated branch?

I've heard most of these questions about sv_snaps and rate in other forums and dark alley, and I've used promod, but I don't ever remember a reason why we haven't increased them to more 2013 values...
Why is it we don't try increasing these in the default Urban Terror.exe?

the reason thats been given is some concern about to much cpu/bandwith usage witch in my Opinion is frankly a load of horseshit you are talking about a MABY 5 to 10% increase overhaul and thats on a packed 18 slot server with everyone spamming chat and spraying and praying
ioquake 3 1.35 has a few security flaws as well as outdated stuff like the input system ioquake3 1.36 is also faster and more efficient then 1.35 its also a lot easyer to test patches on 1.36 because its the currently maintained code-base theirs been some drastic rewrites between 1.35 and 1.36 further more before somebody says well its to much work todo that there has already been SEVERAL builds of ioquake3 1.36SVN+ for 4.2

the reason for the snaps bump is because of the unlagged code [b/]basically[b] not having enough accurate data to function 100% under certain conditions its all about how much granularity(accuracy=more samples === higher ""framerate"" ) because it makes the whole SHABANG more tolerant to interrupts and unusual 'glitches' between the client<>server

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