Urban Terror Forums: where to put the server settings? autoexec.cfg, server.cfg ? - Urban Terror Forums

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where to put the server settings? autoexec.cfg, server.cfg ? Rate Topic: -----

#1 Guest_streetlife

Posted 09 January 2005 - 02:24 PM


i am unsure where i have to put my server settings in.
I am running linux SuSE 8.0.
For now i put them all into the autoexec.cfg in the baseq3 directory.
Then i added a q3ut3.cfg in q3ut3 directory.
I have an empty server.cfg in baseq3 directory.

Well, this seems to work, BUT with me as human player, there are always 7 bots only.
It should be 10 !
So what's wrong?

Do you have any suggestions about the config?

I start the game from the following script and exec the q3ut3.cfg:

-------------------begin start script ------------------------------------
# Quake 3 Arena Dedicated Server Start


OPTIONS="+set vm_game 2 +set vm_cgame 2 +set vm_ui 2 +set
sv_cheats 0 +set sv_pure 1"


# needed to make it find the stuff
cd $PFAD

if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then
echo -e "usage $0 <gametype>.cfgn"
echo -e "t e.g. $0 ffa.cfg"
exit 1
elif [ $# -eq 1 ]; then

# Verlassen des screenmodus mit "CTRL-a CTRL-d"
# wiederholen der Console mit "screen -r"

screen ./q3ded $OPTIONS +set fs_game $GAME +set dedicated 1 +set com_hunkmegs 128 +exec $CFG +map ut_laneway2

----------- end start script --------------------------------------

----------------- begin autoexec.cfg --------------------------------------
sets sv_hostname "Solarcampus Arena 1.32b"
sets "Administrator" "innenminister"
sets "Email" "xxx@gmx.net"
sets "Location" "Haus 6"
sets "CPU" "Dual 400MHz"

set sv_maxRate 16000
set sv_punkbuster 0
set sv_pure 1

set sv_maxclients 16
set sv_maxping 600
//set sv_cheats 0
set sv_allowDownload 1
set sv_maxrRate 11000
set sv_zombietime 1
set sv_timeout 120
set sv_strictAuth 0

set g_maxGameClients 0
set g_followEnemy 0
set g_teamkillsforgivetimer 5
set g_maxteamkills 5
set g_spskill 4
set g_referee 1

set g_motd "Periculum in mora !"
set g_friendlyfire 1
set g_allowVote 1
set g_quadfactor 2.25
set g_weaponrespawn 7
set g_swaproles 0
set g_maintainTeam 1
set g_teamForceBalance 0

set fraglimit 30
set timelimit 40
set capturelimit 15
set rconPassword "xxx"

set bot_enable 1

// werden in den einzelenen map.cfg ausgefuehrt
// sollten auch darein verschoben werden
set team "bot_minplayers 4"
set alone "bot_minplayers 8"
set ut3 "bot_minplayers 10"
// set bot_minplayers 8
set bot_reachability 1
set bot_grapple 1
//set bot_interbreedbots 10
set bot_saveroutingcache 1
set bot_challenge 1
set bot_rocketjump 0
// set bot_visualizejumppads 1
// does not work
//set bot_autoload "Taliban Copkiller Rambo BushWarrior BinLaden"

---------------- end autoexec.cfg -------------------------------------------

------------- begin q3ut3.cfg ----------------------------------
// free for all: 0,1,2
// team deathmatch 3
// team survivor 4
// follow the leader 5
// capture and hold 6
// capture the flag 7
// bomb and defuse 8
// vstr q3ut3 fuehrt Kommando aus und startet bots !

// REAL MAPCYCLE is in q3ut3 subdir !

sets sv_hostname "Urban Campus Terror"

set timelimit 15
set fraglimit 20
set capturelimit 8
set roundlimit 5

// auto spawn bots
// vstr ut3
set bot_minplayers 10

// beim Voting kann jetzt mehr differenziert werden.
// Dazu wird der Parameter für g_allowvote als Bitmaske behandelt:
// 1 = Reload, Restart, Map, Nextmap, Kick, Swapteams, Shuffleteams,
// g_friendlyfire, g_followstrict
// 2 = g_gametype, g_waverespawns
// 4 = Timelimit, Capturelimit, Fraglimit
set g_allowVote 7
set g_mapcycle mapcycle.txt
set g_teamNameBlue "SC Gang"
set g_teamNameRed "Pussies"
set g_removeBodyTime 25
set g_warmup 4
set g_doWarmup 1
set g_respawnProtection 3
set g_followStrict 1
set g_gametype 5
set g_teamAutoJoin 1
// no bots possible in gametype 0,1,2

set sv_allowDownload 1
set cl_allowDownload 1
set g_skins 1
set g_maxGameClients 0
set g_enableDust 1
set g_enableBreath 1
set sv_JoinMessage "Welcome to Urban Campus Terror"

set ui_ctf_friendly 1

set r_drawSun 1

set b1 "addbot goose 5 blue 30 StudentHunter"
set b2 "addbot Mantis 3 red 50 SaunaUntenSitzer"
set b3 "addbot scarab 4 blue 20 Rapunzel"
set b4 "addbot boa 4 red 30 Morgenlatte"
set b5 "addbot cobra 1 blue 40 PeilNix"
set b6 "addbot cougar 4 red 50 YeahFuckMeHard"
set b7 "addbot chicken 4 blue 10 Blitzmerker"
set b8 "addbot scorpion 2 red 40 Erstsemester"
set b9 "addbot tiger 3 blue 50 NoInternetPatsy"
set b0 "addbot penguin 5 red 20 CampusMetzger"

set botsblue "vstr b1; vstr b3; vstr b5; vstr b7; vstr b9;"
set botsred "vstr b0; vstr b2; vstr b4; vstr b6; vstr b8;"
---------------------- end q3ut3.cfg ------------------------------------------

#2 User is offline   HoboHumpinSlut (old) Icon

  • Joined: 07-February 04
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Posted 09 January 2005 - 02:49 PM

either in ~/.q3a/q3ut3/ of the user you are running q3ded as or in /usr/local/games/quake3/q3ut3/

#3 Guest_streetlife

Posted 09 January 2005 - 04:10 PM

No, sorry a misunderstanding. I mean in which FILE !

Is it correct to put all the stuff in autoexec.cfg?
Or do i have to put some in autoexec.cfg and some others in server.cfg?

If i start the server i noticed that the following files get executed in that order:


As far as i know gets server.cfg executed with every map change.
But what happens if a round ends in the same map?
If you compare the following 2 InitGame & and initRound do some variables change (i.e. g_enableDust, sv_allowDownload) ! Why is that?

InitGame: g_deadchat1g_swaproles0g_maxrounds0g_blueWaveRespawnDelay15g_redWaveRespawnDelay15g_waveRespawns1g_t
eamNameBlueSC Gangg_teamNameRedPussiesg_matchMode0g_bombDefuseTime15g_bombExplodeTime45sv_JoinMessageWelcome to
Urban Campus Terrorg_followStrict1g_suddendeath1g_survivorrule0g_gear0g_respawnDelay10g_survivorRoundTime3g_ca
ptureScoreTime60g_survivorRoundDelay5sv_floodProtect1sv_maxRate16000sv_hostnameUrban Campus Terrorsv_punkbuster0
ndlyFire1g_warmup4g_allowVote7AdministratorChEmailxxx@gmx.netLocationWG 6CPUDual 400MHzsv_allo
wDownload1versionQ3 1.32b linux-i386 Nov 14 2002g_gametype5protocol68mapnameut_uptownsv_privateClients0g_skins

InitRound: g_deadchat1g_swaproles0g_maxrounds0g_blueWaveRespawnDelay15g_redWaveRespawnDelay15g_waveRespawns1g_
teamNameBlueSC Gangg_teamNameRedPussiesg_matchMode0g_bombDefuseTime15g_bombExplodeTime45sv_JoinMessageWelcome to
Urban Campus Terrorg_followStrict1g_suddendeath1g_survivorrule0g_gear0g_respawnDelay10g_survivorRoundTime3g_c
aptureScoreTime60g_survivorRoundDelay5sv_floodProtect1sv_maxRate16000sv_hostnameUrban Campus Terrorsv_punkbuster
endlyFire1g_warmup4g_allowVote7AdministratorChEmailxxx@gmx.netLocationWG 6CPUDual 400MHzsv_all
owDownload0versionQ3 1.32b linux-i386 Nov 14 2002g_gametype5protocol68mapnameut_uptownsv_privateClients0bot_min
p0g_surfacedefault0g_modversi2 teams with 148 entities

#4 User is offline   HoboHumpinSlut (old) Icon

  • Joined: 07-February 04
  • Posts: 2,308

Posted 09 January 2005 - 04:17 PM

quake3.cfg <- first to be loaded
autoexec.cfg <- second to be loaded (not sure if q3ded loads it at all)
server.cfg <- only gets executed if you tell the server to do so (e.g. via +exec server.cfg)
mapcycle <- variables from there are set when the according map is loaded

basically you can put every cvar where you want. it makes sense to put things like timelimit etc in the server.cfg while basic settings like sv_fps are in quake3.cfg.

/me suggests RTFM

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