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Barbatos's blog

[Tipeee] Developer News - May 2023

posted Thursday, 02 November 2023 by FS Barbatos
Information: This Developer News was originally sent 6 months ago to people supporting us on Tipeee. I write these posts with my own words, every month, mostly showing internal development screenshots/videos and explaining the latest features in the works on the upcoming Urban Terror game on Unreal Engine 5.

If you are willing to support the development and maintenance of Urban Terror, the posts are available on Tipeee for as low as a 1€ tip. From now on I'll also repost them here with a 6 months delay. Enjoy the read and let us know whether you like them or not!
Hey there!

First, some great news for the "360 No Scoper" tippers. After years of waiting I've finally got a fiber connection (1Gbps down / 600 Mbps up!) meaning that I'll now be able to properly stream test sessions of Urban Terror 5. As a reminder, you only need to tip as a "360 No Scoper" tipper once to get access to a private channel on Discord where the streams are done - until there is a public release of UrT5.

The subject of the month was about grenades! As you know UrT4 only offers two choices: HE and Smoke grenades, and there are some other types of grenades that we would like to experiment with for UrT5. The QA members suggested several ideas that we really liked, like a fragmentation grenade which would cause less damage than the HE, but would make you bleed due to the projection of many fragments and thus slowing you down until you heal yourself. This grenade would be interesting for conducting or countering rushes for example. We'll experiment with this one first, JohnnyEnglish has quickly produced and textured a model which I have started implementing into the game. More on that next month!

Another idea that could potentially fit well with the mechanisms of the game would be an icy grenade: a grenade that would create a very cold area on the floor around the impact point, massively slowing down anyone trying to walk/run on it, and also alter the spread of the weapons while shooting.
There are several other interesting ideas (impact grenade, molotov, sticky grenade...) which we will probably experiment one by one once Urban Terror 5 is released to the public. Experimenting like this for a limited time to gauge interest and get instant feedback from the community is something that we'll be able to do easily once UrT5 is out, and we're really excited about this!

Also kind of related to grenades, we didn't yet have damage knockback of the player pawns on death. They would just fall to death on themselves with no velicity whatsoever. Neon now has implemented knockback on death, and coupled with the ragdoll system it produces some very nice and spectacular deaths. Much funnier! A few videos and screenshots are included.

Neon and JohnnyEnglish had the idea this month of integrating actual clocks in-game that you can put in various places in the maps. That display the local time. In real time. So you know what time it is. Without leaving the game. Incredible. JohnnyEnglish fancied implementing many different types of clocks. It's a small and simple idea, but I really like it! :D

This month we've also done a new QA release, the first of the year (huh, yes, that sucks!). As you know we were waiting for an engine fix of the sky system that never came from Epic, so we ended up doing our own thus allowing us to release QA builds again.

Lizart and Neira are still busy producing great content for the map Thingley, which the QA testers were able to test for the first time (WIP and untextured for now). Lizart has finished working on his little tool to produce nice floor and roof tiles like explained in last month's post. A few more screenshots and videos are included this month.

Mr.Yeah has started experimenting with some Main Menu design ideas and various colours. More on that soon!

See you next month! :)

- Barbatos


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