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Dreaming of Nevada Rate Topic: ***** 1 Votes

#81 User is offline   Solitary Icon

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Posted 04 February 2012 - 12:06 PM

View PostBarbatos, on 04 February 2012 - 11:49 AM, said:

You can do this jump on Nevada.

That's all I ask :D Oh and these jumps to please:

#82 User is offline   Fleuv Icon

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Posted 04 February 2012 - 12:07 PM

Wauh! I wonder how my HD maps are gonna look.

- Why replace the jeep cover for a stairs? And than also a bit moved out of the unique tp position.
- Why put a acces to a small roof in front of upper metro. You know this will be a new camping spot. And if the enemy is behind the two walls where the blue flag stands (corner of pill -> jeep), than are they for about 50% more visible because you can look over the wall from that point but your body will be a 100% visible. Because there is no wall or something in front of you.
- Who made the map?

gj xx Fleuv
~ Cheers


#83 User is offline   restless Icon

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Posted 04 February 2012 - 01:24 PM

omg! awesome guys, it looks great and it's a really good idea to redo 1 of the most played maps since it will probably be played for ever:D

#84 User is offline   guiltygun Icon

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Posted 04 February 2012 - 01:54 PM

the graphics of this map can't be compared to turnpike its like comparing mazda to BMW i think this map will be my favorite map on urt HD
again well done

#85 User is offline   unifiedtone Icon

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Posted 04 February 2012 - 02:16 PM

I really like this map, it looks so amazing!


#86 User is offline   Mr Bean Icon

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Posted 04 February 2012 - 02:47 PM

View PostSutaffu, on 04 February 2012 - 12:37 AM, said:

I like this game and I don't like it that tp will get replaced. This new map looks nice but it doesn't fit in urt.. why do you think people play tp right now? It's because of the awesome metro rush. You can't do the nice rush on this map and this map slows the gameplay. I really don't like the skins and guns, they look like toys and the animations just suck. I like the 4.1 animations and skins and I bet all skilled players think the same and just want an anticheat into this game so nobody can hack easily. I'm really shocked that I only read positive comments about this new map with toy skins. I prefer playing a game with low graphics instead of a game with shiny/happy graphics. Instead of showing us movies with dancing models just try to fix an anticheat and we will all be happy. Urt community is growing right now so I bet 4.1 isn't that bad. Urt 4.1 + anticheat is all we need and people who want high graphics you shouldn't play a free online game and just buy battlefield 3. That's all I wanted to say so don't try to turn this game into a shiny toy game with fail animations.

It has already been stated that the animations are still in their embryonic state. The skins can be tweaked. The metro station area is not finished, and for that matter, the map is not finished.

View PostFleuv, on 04 February 2012 - 12:07 PM, said:

- Why replace the jeep cover for a stairs? And than also a bit moved out of the unique tp position.
- Why put a acces to a small roof in front of upper metro. You know this will be a new camping spot. And if the enemy is behind the two walls where the blue flag stands (corner of pill -> jeep), than are they for about 50% more visible because you can look over the wall from that point but your body will be a 100% visible. Because there is no wall or something in front of you.

The jeep is still missing in the preview.

Everyone is scouring the map to find the slightest detail that's different from Turnpike. Wait until you actually play the map before you say that any changes you've noticed in Nevada are bad.

Many of you seem to have missed this post:

View Postskaz, on 03 February 2012 - 05:10 PM, said:

However the map isn't 100% finished yet. Some models like the jeep are still missing in the preview. Plus I still need to improve the "old metro station".

View PostFleuv, on 04 February 2012 - 12:07 PM, said:

- Who made the map?

The map was created by Skaz.

#87 User is offline   rYuuJiN Icon

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Posted 04 February 2012 - 02:54 PM

Just sad that everytime someone from the hardcore scene comes here and gives his honest opinion he is getting pushed away by these frozen sand fan b0ys that sit more on the forums than actually play this time. If Frozen Sand wants to make this game this way it's fine by me, but It's unrealistic to say you listen to the community while you only read these UrT forums, only a 3% of the players visites these forums. A few example of hardcore players I've seen here come and getting pushed away: quentin, mauri, b0ciam, bobbelin and sutaffu. Always the same reason, ye they are just a bunch of oldschool whiners that only want low graphics. U want to know what these people want? An anti-cheat. A smooth gameplay with a fitting layout, and with a fitting layout they mean relaxxed and simple view. These are players that actually really love Urban Terror, they love it as it already is. The people here spamming suggestions and complaining for higher graphics are basicly saying the current UrT isn't good enough, let's try for better graphics(CUZ MY COMPUTER CANT RUN MW3/BF3 CRY CRY). Imagine how I feel when I'm chatting on IRC +SG+, puff** and ]Vz[: In every channel nobody is happy about the new animations.. they all think it look's horrible and it would definitely give a bad influance on the gameplay since it's weird to aim on a spastic body. However they also think HD does a great job on working on that passport system and anti-cheat. Also the new maps look nice. Now those players all play this game 24/7 for around 6+- years. Hardcore UrT fanatics, trying to keep this game alive, they even saved it in the times of 3.7 to 4.0, desperate times where we almost died, we lost the clanbase ladders and uptown only servers, BUT WE SURVIVED. Now if some of those players come on this forum and give their opinion, it's getting spammed away by frozen sand fan b0ys(that's how they get called lately). Sad... I'll see you guys on eagle only servers.
a thing of beauty is a joy

#88 User is offline   H0i Icon

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Posted 04 February 2012 - 03:59 PM

View PostrYuuJiN, on 04 February 2012 - 02:54 PM, said:

Just sad that everytime someone from the hardcore scene comes here and gives his honest opinion he is getting pushed away by these frozen sand fan b0ys that sit more on the forums than actually play this time. If Frozen Sand wants to make this game this way it's fine by me, but It's unrealistic to say you listen to the community while you only read these UrT forums, only a 3% of the players visites these forums. A few example of hardcore players I've seen here come and getting pushed away: quentin, mauri, b0ciam, bobbelin and sutaffu. Always the same reason, ye they are just a bunch of oldschool whiners that only want low graphics. U want to know what these people want? An anti-cheat. A smooth gameplay with a fitting layout, and with a fitting layout they mean relaxxed and simple view. These are players that actually really love Urban Terror, they love it as it already is. The people here spamming suggestions and complaining for higher graphics are basicly saying the current UrT isn't good enough, let's try for better graphics(CUZ MY COMPUTER CANT RUN MW3/BF3 CRY CRY). Imagine how I feel when I'm chatting on IRC +SG+, puff** and ]Vz[: In every channel nobody is happy about the new animations.. they all think it look's horrible and it would definitely give a bad influance on the gameplay since it's weird to aim on a spastic body. However they also think HD does a great job on working on that passport system and anti-cheat. Also the new maps look nice. Now those players all play this game 24/7 for around 6+- years. Hardcore UrT fanatics, trying to keep this game alive, they even saved it in the times of 3.7 to 4.0, desperate times where we almost died, we lost the clanbase ladders and uptown only servers, BUT WE SURVIVED. Now if some of those players come on this forum and give their opinion, it's getting spammed away by frozen sand fan b0ys(that's how they get called lately). Sad... I'll see you guys on eagle only servers.

People disagreeing with you isn't the same as being pushed away. If you state your opinion and then people disagree, you are not being pushed away.

We do value the opinion of everyone, but why do old school players want to feel superior so often? They always resist against every form of change (except anti cheat). While resisting to those changes, they do not realize how a development process works and forget that frozen sand created the game. Do you really think the people who created this game have no idea of how it works and why it's good, do you think that the success of urban terror was an accident? In the many years of urban terror development people have always resisted to change. But... after a release they started playing and stopped resisting. Then things are changed again and people start saying they want [x feature] to stay like it is. Ironically, the people saying this are the very same people who didn't want that feature to be added in the first place.

Like I said before, many people do not really understand how a development process works. The current release version of HD is an alpha version. That means missing or incomplete features and instability. Animations a bit spastic? I agree. But it's alpha. They're a work in progress. This is far from the final product, 4.1 is the current 'active' release version for a reason.

If you do not care about graphics, that's your opinion. You can turn them off. But you should know that the game evolves. If we switch to a new model format for weapons, players and maps because it benefits the game in every way, we need new content. I should note that our new way of doing things looks better and makes the game less cpu heavy. Why make it ugly when we can make it nice? With your attitude we would still have pong graphics. Graphics do more than looking nice. They attract more players. They provide information for the player. They define the style, and much more. If we want to add new content, we will need graphics for that. All very important things some people can only see the value of when those features are not there.

So, I just wrote a long post. Do you see how we do care? In the future, please have more faith in us and learn to understand how the alpha version is heavily in development and still changing a lot. Features are not there yet or incomplete. And when we do replace the current 4.1 main version with HD - when we think it is ready, if at that moment you still don't think the gameplay is smooth and the layout is fitting, nobody is stopping you from making your own maps.

#89 User is offline   Nexu Icon

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Posted 04 February 2012 - 04:22 PM

View PostrYuuJiN, on 04 February 2012 - 02:54 PM, said:

but It's unrealistic to say you listen to the community while you only read these UrT forums, only a 3% of the players visites these forums. A few example of hardcore players I've seen here come and getting pushed away: quentin, mauri, b0ciam, bobbelin and sutaffu. Always the same reason, ye they are just a bunch of oldschool whiners that only want low graphics.

I would say that's not a fair assessment. They do listen to the community, they just aren't only listening to the players from the competitive side of the Urban Terror community.
Frozen Sand, AFAIK, tries to find a balance between what they want and can do as developers, as well what the public server players of the community wants, and what the competitive side of the community wants.
This is something not easily achieved without making one of the latter 2 groups feeling ignored.

You should know there is a difference between just plain critical opinions and constructive criticism opinions voiced. I would like to see more of the 'oldschool' players with a strong opinion regarding this game and where it should head to (especially when it comes to competition) to voice more of the latter. That would be more helpful for this resilient community to continue to survive another decade and hopefully see more growth in our community size, in both quantity and quality.

View PostrYuuJiN, on 04 February 2012 - 02:54 PM, said:

U want to know what these people want? An anti-cheat.

They are still working on that, and with passport they are introducing some features that are in particular aimed toward the competitive side of the community to aid players and admins to catch and identify cheaters, as well providing other tools for competition matches. But those are still work in progress.

But i would like to have that more than anything too. I'm tired of playing PCW/matches against unknown people that are aiming like pro Quake/CS players on crack and always happen to not have demos recorded or lost. :mad:

Maybe ... we should just get the developers to play a pcw against a known cheater clan on a weekly basis. Just to remind them how badly we need a working AC. :tongue:

View PostrYuuJiN, on 04 February 2012 - 02:54 PM, said:

Hardcore UrT fanatics, trying to keep this game alive, they even saved it in the times of 3.7 to 4.0, desperate times where we almost died, we lost the clanbase ladders and uptown only servers, BUT WE SURVIVED. Now if some of those players come on this forum and give their opinion, it's getting spammed away by frozen sand fan b0ys(that's how they get called lately).

Now to be fair, the revival of Urban Terror popularity is largely due to the decisions FS has with 4.0 release by including the option to play with the open-source ioQuake3 engine based build (ioUrbanTerror). Which allowed lots of new players to play this game without having to have Quake III Arena.
This is something i often, or barely ever, sees the oldschoolers give FS credit for. Rather, they criticizes them for it due to the influx of cheaters it has produced (ignoring there are new legitimate players to play with and/or against) due the lack of PunkBuster support, while not realizing that PB hasn't done any updates in years to detect any of the newly fabricated cheats. So it wouldn't have been very effective anyway.

#90 User is offline   MajkiFajki Icon

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Posted 04 February 2012 - 04:41 PM

I think that many "old schoolers" might afraid of HD for one simple reason. New players.

People who will come here from different games. They will play different. They will introduce new skills and new habits. They will use different weapons. They will start their own small leagues and communities. They will meet this game without all this habits that current community has - like same maps over and over or old flame wars and hatred.. They will grow. We don't know how far RaideR will push account system - maybe he will give API and ppl will create easily they own leagues, own modules for popular CMS, their own leagues. New mappers will appear - they will map differently.

While HD probably won't be a "cod-izng" - it will bring a lot of new areas to learn in favor of being good player.

Probably - we all will be n00bs again.

More over - drawing a line between "old" competitive players, "young" competitive players and people who like to play only for fun - it's destructive. We all love this game and the game is what we should be focused on.


Hardcore UrT fanatics, trying to keep this game alive, they even saved it in the times of 3.7 to 4.0, desperate times where we almost died, we lost the clanbase ladders and uptown only servers, BUT WE SURVIVED.

Have you ever ask yourself question, what caused situation, that UrT was maintained by TWO DEVELOPERS in that period? Have you ever ask yourself question, why so many developers, who gave their heart and soul to this game, who could do so many things in their private lives decided to spent years and many times a lot of money for necessary software QUIT?

If Leagues will want to play on certain settings on professional matches - there is no problem with that. If admins of fun servers will want to set up their servers in different way - there is no problem with that.

I'm sure, that all old maps from 4.x branch will be take care of by community and repacked into separate .pk3s. So I see no problem at all.

Everyone are happy, everyone wins.

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