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so the purpose of the walljumping..

#31 Guest_Da3dalus

Posted 17 May 2004 - 05:55 PM


1) To access certain areas while using wall jumping.

Well I think its up to the mapper to allow access to other areas using a climbable brush or to not use a clip. So, if I already have these great options of accessing an otherwise inaccessible part of the map, why do I need to bounce off a wall?

Walljumping over a ledge is faster than climbing over it, and you don't have to put your weapon away to do it then, so you don't have to leave yourself vulnerable. Bouncing off the wall gives you an advantage there.


2) To enhance the combat

Well how does it enhance combat? I can already turn in the air or slide down a wall. Why is the extra bouncing motion needed? Has anyone while being fired upon actually used walljumping to elude an enemy?

Yes, there was a guy that did while in a close fight with me the other day while playing abbey. He jumped to the side wall and jumped off it, made me miss a few shots I could very well have hit with in a previous version. He used walljumping against me and it gave him a small advantage.

So there are some nice uses of walljumping and it's a fun thing to do, so it's definately a worthy feature.

#32 User is offline   Shiza Icon

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Posted 17 May 2004 - 06:18 PM


two things

1) you obviously dont speak english very well

so when you say "but its good to see the coder took offense" and previously had said ""I never said it was good to take offense" thats called a "lie".

Secondly, in the very first post I answered with two scenarios that it was useful for

1) It gives you more options during combat.

2) It gives you more options moving around.

A good example is on turnpike. you can now get over the blue spawn fence without a ledge climb. Simple and effective.

3) It is FUN.

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Posted 17 May 2004 - 07:04 PM

It does add a bit of variation to something fundamental to the game which has remained essentially the same since 2.0: movement.

Walljumping does open up new avenues. For instance, last night I was in the undesirable position of being in a tight alley on druglord3 with a PSG in my hands and two guys with LRs rushing at me. As they charged, I jumped off the wall next to me and landed behind them as I switched to the spas. They were both dead before they knew what happened. Had it not been for the walljump, I would have probably switched to the spas and gotten wasted by the time I got a shot off. Jumping over them was quite the distraction.

And yes, it's fun!

#34 Guest_TheDragon

Posted 17 May 2004 - 07:56 PM

my vote would be that its purpose is Fun as well.

anybody remember fun, its that thing that takes place on servers in between all the whining on here.... for free...

end communication.

#35 User is offline   gHOstFaCe (old) Icon

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Posted 17 May 2004 - 08:45 PM

One good answer would be because they wanted to add walljumping. Why did you ad walljumping is like asking why did you add a gun or something. If you choose to use it, it gives you some extra options.

I wish that UrT only had 1 gun, 1 model, 1 map, 1 server, 1 text line..... all of these options we have now are just way too confusing for me!


#36 User is offline   nemesis Icon

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Posted 17 May 2004 - 10:51 PM

See, its not so hard not to flame and make constructive comments.

*cheers* to Da3dalus, un shiza, dragon, and nlc ;)



#37 User is offline   wadeski (old) Icon

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Posted 17 May 2004 - 11:10 PM

ok nemesis:

because its fun, because it looks AWSOME when you use it well to get some frags, and because it makes the game a bit more interesting.

im sure mappers will take it into account and make the maps a bit more 1337-jump friendly than they used to (remember Uptown with the SPAS-jump and nade-jump back in beta 2?)

currently i use it quite a lot in places where people camp...instead of coming around a corner at where they are looking, come around so they only see your legs an spam em :D

also good for rushing, it lets you get to places much faster to flank...

....you know, rushing...the good bit about UrT 8)

#38 User is offline   JiM* (old) Icon

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Posted 17 May 2004 - 11:36 PM

First of all, nemesis, dont even TRY to call people like Majic a wanker.

For those who are interested in my point of view of this useless thread you can keep on reading. For those who are not interested and want to flame me.. sure go ahead.

First post :
so the purpose of the walljumping..would be what?

It's caused more detriments than it has caused joy.

If this has been talked about previous, please redirect me to the other post. If not, please enlighten me.

What do i see. I see a question about the use of walljumping. Right after that he speaks of a fact, that is actually just a fact in HIS eyes. He has no statistics abou tthat or whatever, so its just a point of view. And this point of vies is NOT positive. He utters his feelings about what HE thinks of the walljumping, and he clearly says it is not good.

After that is nicely asks for information or a link to something that will gove him the information.


2nd post, an answer of the coder:
If you don't like it, don't use it.

For the people who DO practice with it, it opens up a whole new range of combat and movement skills.

What does 27 tell us here. He firstly answers to the negative camment to the Walljumping. "If you dont like it, dont use it" which means just that when u dont like to look of shit, dont look at it. So if you think that the walljumping is crap, then dont use the walljumping.
(NOTE: If you are having trouble with walljumping by accident, maybe you should stop being so triggerhappy with the jumpbutton. With proper use of jumping you will NOT walljump by accident.)

Secondly he gives information (very shortly but its there) about WHY people will use it. "it opens up a whole new range of combat and movement skills".

So, blut and krieg, dont go saying in your 2nd post that you were not complaining, caus thats a LIE. "It's caused more detriments than it has caused joy. " is a complaint about something isn't it?

Then nemesis.
Ur comments are bs.
"Well I think its up to the mapper to allow access to other areas using a climbable brush or to not use a clip. So, if I already have these great options of accessing an otherwise inaccessible part of the map, why do I need to bounce off a wall?"
Why do u need to bounce of the wall?
You dont NEED to , if you want to climb it, be my guest. When u walljump it are are FASTER, make LESS SOUND and therefor have much more ADVANTAGE in the game. Its not making areas accesable (maybe for some) but more or less about SPEED. And maybe a bit about the Coolness of it.

"Well how does it enhance combat? I can already turn in the air or slide down a wall. Why is the extra bouncing motion needed? Has anyone while being fired upon actually used walljumping to elude an enemy?

How does it enhance? Man, what about SUPRISE and SPEED and MOBILITY of the player? U can jump over a wall without climbing it, firing ur guns and everything! I have already jumped some CASA walls shooting and screaming and suprising the enemy with the altitude i can make during the jump. Enhance it? Hell ye! and making it cool as well!

A simple reply would be nice, instead of useless flames.
After saying that you go and flame at Brolly and , what u call, child #1 and child #2. So what makes you that then?

Well, im guessing 27 didnt fully answer his post and obviously you didnt understand it
Like i explained in the above, 27 did answer it.

How does mavs' rear end smell?
I think you should know the smell of shit, since u are full of it up till your neck.

Now i couldn't resist a little flame in the end of that... sorry about that. I guess there is a little kid in all of us.

I think this walljumping is just a handy cool new move, that will not overtake the whole gameplay. You wont own the game simply because you can jump over a wall a bit faster then the other. It costs a lot of stamina to do it, so you wont be able to do it more then twice in a row. You will be panting like a tired hayena.

practise it. Wait how this move is going to fit in the game. You can only tell after a few days, maybe even weeks.

So please, relax about new things. Dont go screaming like little girls having their first menstruation. come on.

#39 User is offline   nemesis Icon

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Posted 17 May 2004 - 11:43 PM


I can see where you’re coming from wad; it does add speed and interest to the game. I also remember the former speed of the game, I found 1.27 trainyard and mbase rushing a real blast ;).

The only thing I find walljumping useful for is to get over a wall without being assisted. example: The wall separating the red/blue sides of sanctuary.

The problem I have with it is that say I am jumping from the low-end roof near the skylight on uptown to the edge of the railing near the elevators 2nd story. As a matter of habit I land on the ledge outside of railing, in case someone is waiting up there and I have to drop down to the next story. The new wall jumping mechanism takes the railing to be a flat surface and I go plunging to my death. Pretty funny at first, but very annoying after a while. This is not the only place that it occurs; I only bring this up as an example.

As for taking care people waiting around the corner, I usually use my friend the nade (yes, I’m a nade whore. refer to iCu*Vicious) or I whip out my pal the ump (Headshot machine if used properly, 1.27 all the way ;).

So, I tend to disagree with it be useful or very fun (In some instances).

Would it be possible to add a cvar to disable wall jumping?
Would it be possible to bind a key to disable it temporarily?
Could a certain clip be applied in certain areas that disables walljumping?

In layman terms if you please.



#40 User is offline   nemesis Icon

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Posted 17 May 2004 - 11:46 PM


I called majic a wanker, so you really cant say I'm still attempting to call him (or anyone like him) one (As for using this word in the future, I didnt use the word first now did I? He opened this can of worms.) As for my comments on brolly, I read the STA forums from time to time and all I see is constant flaming without any real thought behind it.

Also, refer to the posts above to learn how to respond with a little more substance than your little post. (I’m sure NLC will be happy to teach you)

Also pt2, If anyone is getting their panties in a bunch; it would be you with your ENLARGED words and inflammatory comments (BS). Would it be possible, a personal favor, that you refrain from your internet shorthands and reorganize your post above? All I got out of reading your encrypted post is that you thought wall jumping was cool and then proceeded to regurgitate others' posts. Why are you posting again?



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