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"Urban Zone" NationsCup XVII ? Rate Topic: -----

#21 User is offline   saint Icon

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 12:51 PM

An announcement will be done soon enough by the ex-CB admins. As the issue with GGL was known for quite a long time, I'm pretty sure they started working on this almighty new project Rain talked about. And as you can see above, I'm kinda good at assuming things *joke*. Anyway, I did not want to talk about the eternal debate regarding to some UZ admins decisions but Shoushou stired up in a hornets' nest so to be honest, I just can approve what he said. And these things are exactly why me and some of my old good mates left Urban Zone.

Anyway, I approve your message Camaroz. I do prefer a year with a Nations Cup running on UZ than a year without Nations Cup at all. But the thing is, today, we do have all the CB UrT admins ready to go on, and it could be a matter of a few days. Nothing we can't deal with. We're not late.

This post has been edited by saint: 23 December 2013 - 12:55 PM

#22 User is offline   zebeast Icon

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 12:59 PM

Well Saint and others.

If a similar CB site + CB squad with multiple games is somehow getting back online or something similar to that, It is obvious that 99% of the community would prefer that over UZ/ESL.

#23 User is offline   xesya Icon

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 02:21 PM

wow, so urt, much intellect, such penetration

I'll just get ahead of it before all self-appointed community prophets share their expert reports of the situation :>

CB is in fact gonna be back with a new site.. their plans sound very promising, I dunno what the reality will look like, but there's notable progress. I'd guess the new site is 60% done and they're actively and conscientiously working on it.
There seems to be a lot of untapped potential, the future will tell if they're able to use it and what it'll be like.

Now this whole situation is a real mess, I'll just quickly summarize this chronologically:
- CB presumed dead
- Petition at ESL for UrT
- ESL initiates Test Cup for UrT
- Pwninja announces hosting of a cup
- CB confirmed dead
- UZ announces willingness to host the NC
- CB makes a new site
- Present day

Sounds much like the very limited amount of teams is getting drowned in all kinds of leagues and cups, rather confusing..

ESL doesn't seem to be fond of sharing any of their future plans, they'll need UrT admins, if they keep things as they are, that's a recipe for disaster. Given that CB admins are no longer interested in working at ESL, they'll either need some UZ/CB admins going two-pronged or are lucky that some nice-headed and resonable individuals apply for those positions, else it'll result in failure.

B2T: I think CB admins should support UZ in their undertaking. I don't see why not give it a shot. UZ is literally the only place that can host the NC in the near future. A good cup with good coverage is what this game needs now, especially after this season. If people dislike how it was run in the end, it can be hosted at the new CB site next year, whatever.
Also, I don't know why some people strive against playing UZ - it's always the same arguments. I've been at CB and UZ, I can tell you: it's the same shit, just in a different package. The only difference is that CB crew can blame decisions on other parts of the crew, while UZ admins need to stand to theirs.
R.I.P. Brainie *30-December '10 - †25-January '14

#24 User is offline   Seven of Nine Icon

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 02:34 PM

View Postshoushou, on 23 December 2013 - 11:24 AM, said:

I can't really leave this unanswered, because it's quite insulting... but I don't wish to make a discussion about it, PM or make a forum post on UZ if you do. I’ll just answer the points you mentioned.

That b00bs straya match went past its deadline twice, straya stretched the match over two hours for just 2 maps and then they weren't able to finish it by the third deadline proposed. When difficult/unpopular decisions need to be made we won't shirk away, in this case we were of the opinion that b00bs deserved the win. We don't want others to suffer from delays just because two clans can’t be civil and finish a simple match.

I don't know about your "source", but I can be short that we don't grade clans on pcw's. I would like to say that of course we work with an imperfect system as we don't have many stable clans that play season after season rising in the ranks. But we do have those, and they seem to have no problems so imho it's a problem on both sides. Of course it’s also in our best interest to make divisions which are as competitive as possible. It would be nice if we would have player profiles that assign a rank so that we can look at individual skill and then put that together and come to a clan’s rank.

Regarding coverage and KO, shoutcasting will be back once I’m done with my thesis :) That’s april, so no CB NC coverage by me, hence I made a guide on how to stream Urban Terror. Regarding our “news” every week was that the matches were forced, I’m glad that satisfied your news needs, but I don’t really miss that. KO is just another thing we do, sorry you don’t like it

View PostRaindropz, on 22 December 2013 - 10:41 PM, said:

Well, i don't want to be sarcastic, but we ( cb staff ) are back soon with our project. You will have further informations later. We will not give up fastly :) Guess you'll still support us, you won't be disappointed for sure.

It would have been nice of you to say so when we offered you to host it on our website, or any of the numerous contact moments in the mean time? Honestly we’d be pleased not to host the NationsCup, no skin off our backs. :)

#25 User is offline   Gnurkus Icon

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 06:02 PM

View Postshoushou, on 23 December 2013 - 11:24 AM, said:

Dude, you really hold grudges against people don't you? Still mad that I didn't let your team promote allthought you never achieved anything in UZ at that point. Let me point out for everybdoy here what you are really about:

Your clan FK / Aera in UZ TS:
Season 4 div 17 position 5
Season 5 div 17 position 4
Season 6 div 12 position 4
Season 7 div 10 position 4
Season 8 div 9 position 3
Season 9 div 7 position 3
Season 10 div 7 position 1
Season 11 div 4 position 1
Season 12 Group stage
Season 13 4th place

This whole thing about pcw / cw results was at the start of season 10 between shoushou and me. We always promoted them in previous seasons allthough they never deserved that. When you reach higher division it gets harder to be promoted. So reaching third spot with 2 wins, 1 draw and 2 losses wasn't good enough. imho this isn't unfair, or bad judgement, it's what competitive gaming is about. If you want to get higher, you have to win.

So please, stop whining about something that is years ago and please care about a game that is obviously allmost dead.

And that was our only goal when proposing UZ hosts the NC. No nationscup will be just another nail in hte coffin for URT> We asked CB admins multiple times what was going on and never got an answer that was sugesting they were doing anything. Because we care about this game and what competitive gaming to go on we suggested this. I don't want to steal anything. URT without NC = no URT


#26 User is offline   Nstar Icon

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 06:08 PM

Well... I had told my crew to keep quiet and not chime in here, because we are too new and without enough founding and public support to ring in on this issue, but, i just can't keep my silence anymore.

First, before all else, I want to express my immense respect for anyone that spends their valuable free time, of which so many of us have so little, to organize free competitions for a free game. I have dealt with, and worked with, many of the UZ admins in my very short existence in the UrT community, and most all of them are completely stand up individuals deserving of your respect and admiration. I think offhanded comments directed (even if indirectly) at UZ admins are uncalled for in this specific public space. Regarding coverage, I know EXACTLY how difficult it is to organize the broadcasting of matches, and I think 7o9 is a hero of UrT for all that he has done. But, I can't sit by and listen to people claim that there is either no organization, or too many organizations, capable of hosting a simple tournament. Someone mentioned hosting the nations cup on urt.info. That would probably be the most appropriate solution in my eyes. BUT, as far as I know, there are 2, yes, I said 2, leagues in existence capable of handling such a task.
I want to first say, that this is in no way a shameless plug. This is a call to reason; this is my unbiased need to spread information to those that might not possess it. Information that is vital to most of what is being discussed in this thread. There is another league. You can visit their (our, to be fair) website at utschamps.org. You can also read an interview that touches on the reasons for its founding and the spirit behind it at iourbanterror.de. Those that left UZ because of a feeling of unfair treatment, please come take a look... I invite you to inspect the admin decision making processes that have taken place so far. Our ultimate goal is a focus on absolute fairness and transparency, in every aspect. We are, admittedly, still ironing out the kinks of running an Esports league. And once again, I want to publicly thank all the UZ admins (and others) who have gone out of their way to help us establish ourselves despite being, in some ways, competitors with them. This is the true meaning of sportsmanship.

In regards to broadcasting, you can find the link to our youtube channel and watch some of the matches of our current event (the Sr8 tournament) to see if the quality is to your liking. I have been staying up late and waking up early (at local times ranging from 6pm to 4am) just to make sure that as many matches as possible are broadcasted for the enjoyment of UrT players. Our quality and production value is nowhere near what UZ and past CB puts out, but we are there, and we are dedicated. If shoutcasting is a concern, I would be more than willing to broadcast all these matches from my personal server's GTV on our Twitch feed. Whether it be through a new CB site, UZ, or UTSC. I am in this for UrT, not any allegiance to a league or small clique of players.

Now, I am a n00b. I have been playing UrT for just over 6 months now. I don't know anything, and I wasn't there for the 1973 nations cup, and I don't know that guy who played UrT when people hand wrote letters to their mom's from aboard steam cruisers and paddle boats. But, I do know that even in those short 6 months I've been increasingly unimpressed with the community. I took a long hiatus from FPS gaming and returned to find UrT very much alive and pulsing. A true game, that revolves around skill and strategy. A game where you must put in the time to learn not only aim, but movement and game sense. A game where you can get so much, month after month as you watch yourself grow as a player. When I started this past spring, I was overwhelmed with a sense of community and incredibly impressed with the player base, the competitive scene, and the thankless devs that make it all possible. Then, the change from 4.1 to 4.2 produced some of the most deplorable ingratitude that I have ever seen. That and some of my first brushes with less desirable members of the community almost made me consider quitting this game. If there was a comparable game out there, with the same qualities that make us incapable of giving up on UrT, I probably would be long gone by now. But, we are still here, bitching about nations cup for a reason. Because we love this game. Because we are not willing to sit idly by and let it die. Honestly, I don't know if 30-40 players playing a few matches recorded on youtube will really make a difference. Nations cup this, nations cup that... 99% of UrT players won't participate and won't watch the matches (I will watch, I care that much [fml]). You guys should be putting this energy into recruiting your friends to start playing UrT... you should be putting this energy into being nice to noobs when they join your server, so they don't rage quit and uninstall minutes after being kicked from a server multiple times for not quite understanding what they are doing. Do you feel as though you deserve the hard work of CB and UZ admins? What makes you think that???? If CB makes a new site, and all goes back to normal, then I will feel like a complete idiot for posting this. If UZ takes on that role, then I am sure they will do a phenomenal job of it. We at UTSC are prepared to take on any of the community's needs with respect to competition. If nobody can decide, I will host a nations cup myself!

What I'm trying to get at, is that there are plenty of great people here trying their best to promote UrT, fair competition, and general good times, with absolutely no gain to themselves. Once again, being honest, I've had way too much to drink this evening, and I'm letting all my frustration over UrT out in this post. In the pit of my stomach is a nagging fear that this game is in fact dieing. If it does, then so does my gaming habit, and all the good times and great friends I've made along the way. I'm not willing to let that happen! As someone with fresh eyes, so to speak, who has not only a wide perspective of gaming, but of life itself, I have to inform you all of your childishness and lapse of sound reasoning. Please stop acting like CB admins or UZ admins owe you anything. (unless of course you are in that group of people that the parent company owes money too, lol) If you guys want a nations cup so badly, then make it yourselves. The teams are all but decided already. Start a live feed on twitch and pull names out of a hat to determine matchups. Send me a PM and I'll be there for the shoutcast. And, most of all, don't forget that the majority of this game is played on FFA pub servers with a bunch of noobs that don't even know what UZ/CB is. Let us not ask what UrT can do for YOU, but what YOU can do for UrT!!

#27 User is offline   Brainie Icon

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 06:35 PM

saint president of UrT France who can't feel himself any more doesn't want his Team France play in UrbanZone because one of his TF players works at CB and saint's official dog, shoushou, did not like his experience at UZ.

This is how I sum up the arguments given by saint.

But guess what? Nations Cup is not a trade mark. Every league could make an NC if they want to.

This post has been edited by Brainie: 23 December 2013 - 06:45 PM

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#28 User is offline   Nikki Icon

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 06:50 PM

The petty insults, passive-aggressive attitudes and disrespect in this thread is very disappointing.

Other than that, I don't even know what else to say other than I'm sure 7o9 was not deliberately trying to step on toes and I know that 7o9 always has the community in mind. That's all I have to say about this.

This post has been edited by Nikki: 23 December 2013 - 06:51 PM

#29 User is offline   saint Icon

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 07:21 PM

View PostBrainie, on 23 December 2013 - 06:35 PM, said:

saint president of UrT France who can't feel himself any more doesn't want his Team France play in UrbanZone because one of his TF players works at CB and saint's official dog, shoushou, did not like his experience at UZ.

This is how I sum up the arguments given by saint.

But guess what? Nations Cup is not a trade mark. Every league could make an NC if they want to.

So much hate. I hope this is not one of your mates that wrote this message, once again :) Anyway, I'll take the time to explain, for the last time I hope. And please, get your brainie out of your ass for this one : it's not about trademark or whatever, it's about respect in the fact that you don't put under your arm a project that your competitor has worked on for every seasons, for years, the day after they've been officially dropped off by their sponsor. And even if CB refused UZ hosting (that move I really appreciate), it would have been great (and I'm talking to both crews) to have further discussion regarding to the future of the NC. IF CLANBASE DID NOT HAVE ANY PLAN FOR THE FUTURE, I WOULD HAVE SUPPORT URBAN ZONE FOR SURE. Is that understandable enough for ya now ? To sum it up, this thing is just a huge miscommunication between em.

To conclude, it would be nice, Brainie, to fuckin stop spreading your shit in every forum you post in. You've been banned for racist speeches, lies, and some other brained facts I won't expose on this thread. Just get over it jeez.

I apologize Nikki (and others) for the passive-agressive attitude I put in this message, but it's quite unpleasant to have to answer to that kind of tinted soured opinion. And sorry if 7o9 and others felt exasperated by my opinion.

This post has been edited by saint: 23 December 2013 - 07:27 PM

#30 User is offline   Brainie Icon

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 07:41 PM

Once more, NC is not a trademark. There are national teams here who played UZ seasons, winter cups or summer cups and I don't see why there couldn't be more than 1 cup for national teams. After all, yes, everyone thinks it's once a year and that's it and I can easily guess the arguments. Let UZ do it this time and give the CB people time to place themselves on the tracks. It's too slow you know? Once more they are counting on someone else to build website and all this basic stuff a lot of people have already done here (hi UTSC, FTWGL, UCL) and it's going to take time.

Oh zut, president saint is upset because I tell him he doesn't have the guts in the right place. What do people teach you in your management/financial courses?

You're actually selling dream I hope you know that. UZ has a website, admins, and all it takes to build this cup. What does have CB? A mind, people, people waiting for a website to be on line.

Yes clanbase will be back but this is here and now we're talking about.

Wise is the one who thinks being mad but mad is the one who thinks being wise. Think about it, twice.

This post has been edited by Brainie: 23 December 2013 - 08:01 PM

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