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No|Leaf|Clover's Less Drastic Idea for the SR8

#21 Guest_Killah Philah

Posted 26 April 2004 - 06:09 PM

[quote name='"[PIT]Bar-B-Q"]A No Leaf Clover' date=' is just a stem.[/quote']

#22 Guest_Ebola!

Posted 26 April 2004 - 06:21 PM

... scope tilting ...

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Posted 26 April 2004 - 06:29 PM


#24 User is offline   Aarsbuds0r (old) Icon

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Posted 26 April 2004 - 06:33 PM

Imo, the sr8 is too easy to use. The peek-a-boo gameplay is very annoying. I just dont know ANYTHING to make the sr8 less easy to use without making it gay.

The main problem is, you can walk around a corner for 1ms, shoot and get back around corner again. Or even worse: Wait behind a corner untill an enemy comes around it and shoot and then run/hide behind the next corner.

What would be a good way to stop this from happening so easy? How about making you walk slow for a little while after you've shot? This way, you cant run away that quickly after shooting. And it could be explained to realism-freaks as recovering from the blow of the gun...

#25 User is offline   No|Leaf|Clover (old) Icon

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Posted 26 April 2004 - 06:54 PM

Lt1, TwentySeven does not consider this a dead subject, and many of us agree with him. On a side note, please read my latest post in the "Frame drop" thread in the General Questions forum.

SATAN, I am perfectly capable of dealing with the peek-a-boo SR8ers, as are many others. It usually involves precision HE usage or taking an SR8 myself and playing your little instagib game. I am rather proficient at it. I am not whining.

I do not wish that assault sniping be taken away; I simply wish that it become something that only a select few are able to do. The fact is that just about anyone can do this these days, and it did not used to be this way. If people are so good with the SR8 as they claim, they should have no problem stopping momentarily to take thier shot and then moving back. That way it becomes something of a talent since these people can do something that others cannot. Right now, being a good SR8 user is not something worth putting on an urban terror resume.


#26 User is offline   -SATAN- (old) Icon

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Posted 26 April 2004 - 07:21 PM

well clover then what are you complaining about? if you can handle the snipers then shush and play :wink: and kill em you dont see me whining on this forum about ppl that kill me with LR (spray blabla whateva)

or else you should agree with oswald: you dont like it? then dont play it 8)

#27 Guest_Killah Philah

Posted 26 April 2004 - 09:43 PM

Satan, I could watch you avatar all day long, sweet shot!

#28 User is offline   -SATAN- (old) Icon

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Posted 26 April 2004 - 11:11 PM

hehe tnx it a bit old tough :lol: when we could jumpsnipe hehehe no im not gone whine either 8)

#29 User is offline   don Icon

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Posted 27 April 2004 - 12:41 AM

I have used the sr8 as an assault weapon since about 3.1. Before that, i sniped from a building or a spawn. Assault sniping has been toned down since the 2.x versions, due to the already excessive movement penalty. Have you ever tried a jump shot? Its near impossible. However, I'm not one to say that the sr8 should be toned down, since I use it as a close range weapon. Scoping in and killing someone at point blank while on the move has become a regular move of mine. It's alot easier to use what is in your hands right at the moment than what is on your back. Instant kills kills are better than taking 60% damage while spamming someone to death with an MP5K. Pausing to shoot is going to really piss people off. Most snipers rely in quick reflexes to kill. Introdcuing a sway penalty will cut down on current snipers, but it will give newbs who couldnt sniper before for their life, a new weapon, They will be on equal ground reflex wise. When i first came to urt, it took me hours to aim my sr8 scoped in. Now I can zoom in and kill in a split second. Taking away speed sniping from players will turn the SR8 into a gimmick. It wont be suitable for close range. Far range you will be at the mercy of PSG1-ers. Medium range you will be owned by autos.

The good side, however, is we will lose the people who get luck kills. You know what I mean. Your in a sniper battle. You miss you shot and have to find somewhere to hide. Then the noob your facing blasts you in the head. His score tells it all: 2:10. He cant snipe worth shit ever. He just got a luck kill because he just clicked shoot. Adding a second or so to steady the rifle would have prevented this, and probably given you a second shot, which would have killed him. But wait! you have to sit there for an hour while your rifle steadies itself. The delay is only useful to stopping noobs from luck shots and helping them survive so they can kill you easier.

Most of urt has played for awhile. We know if we can snipe or not. We aren't going to go back to sniper rifle because its safer in sniper duels.

Did that make sense to you?

Bah...Who am I kidding. No one listens to me.

edit: typed the wrong word for something :(

#30 User is offline   samalander (old) Icon

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Posted 27 April 2004 - 02:59 AM

Satan: I'm going to keep this very simple so there is no confusion:

Let's pretend you have player A and player B.

Player A is very good with automatic weapons.
Player A is decent with a sniper rifle.
Player A finds sniping boring and chooses to use an assault rifle..

Player B does not use automatic weapons because he is very bad at getting kills with them.
Player B is a mediocre sniper.
Player B uses a sniper rifle.

Player A and Player B meet in combat.
Player B is hiding behind a crate halfway across the map.
Player B strafes out, fires an SR8 shot WITHOUT STOPING, and strafes back behind the crate.
Player B has hit Player A in the leg.
Player A bandages, and starts strafe jumping towards the crate Player B is hiding behind.
Player B strafes out again, fires an SR8 shot WITHOUT STOPPING, and strafes back behind the crate.
Player B has hit player A in the kevlar vest.

Gameplay proceeds in a similar fashion, until Player A grows frustrated.

Player B is given vastly increased killing power because he does not have to stop to take a shot; this is relatively easy.

Player A, who is better with autos and with sniper rifles than Player B, is forced to equip a sniper rifle to kill Player B.

Player B can only kill Player A because Player B does not have to stop moving to take an SR8 shot.
Player B can therefore effectively shoot at Player A without allowing Player A very much time to return fire.

From here on things get a little more complicated, so make sure you read everything in full before responding. If you don't understand, feel free to ask.

No|Leaf|Clover and I believe that if someone is honestly good at sniping, not just good at playing peek-a-boo, then that person will be able to stop and kill the enemy.

If Player B, in the above scenario, had to stop to fire, he would have been hit by Player A. Because player B is not a good sniper, this would likely have thrown off his aim, if not downright killed him: remember, player A is good with automatic weapons. If we have Player C, who really is a good sniper, he will still be able to kill Player A. Think about it: you can hit someone in the kevlar vest before they can hit you three times in the helmet, which happens to be the quickest way to kill somebody wearing full kevlar with an lr300.

Now, if you are a good sniper, I don't see how this impacts you at all. You should be able to hit people while being hit, so actually stopping for the 0.4 seconds that taking a shot requires should be nothing. Sure, you might get hit once or twice, but that is what medpacs are for.

If, on the other hand, you are somebody who can only snipe from behind crates, or shoot people in the back, or has to immediately retreat behind cover without stopping, this is going to give you a little problem, isn't it.

My Second (main) Point is in response to the argument that a large movement penalty on the SR8 will add more camp to the game.

Right now, Player B can take an SR8, and he only has to reveal himself for about 0.4/0.5 seconds in total. In other words, Player B can camp behind a box, behind a wall, on top of steps, etc. and pop out for a very brief amount of time to fire a shot. We're talking fractions of a second here.

If movement penalty is imposed to the extent No|Leaf|Clover and I hope, in that case Player B would have to reveal himself for much longer -- maybe 0.8 to 1 seconds in total. That's twice as long. In other words, Player B is forced to do half as much camping if he wants to get shots off.

There is a third party that seems to think adding a movement penalty will make aiming equal, "reflex wise." This is not true. The sniper with faster reflexes is going to make the shot more quickly than the sniper with slower reflexes. That is pretty obvious, I would think. Thus, the sniper with better reflexes will almost always come out on top.

"Taking away speed sniping from players will turn" poor snipers off, that is for sure: they will not longer be able to spam SR8 bullets with virtual impunity. If you think that snipers having to expose themselves is "a gimmick," then you sir sound awfully like Player B.

As Oswald would say, thank u drive thru.

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