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Code Wizard TTimo joins Frozen Sand

in Urban Terror - posted Sunday, 01 July 2012 by FrozenSand
Frozen Sand is proud to announce that TTimo has signed up to join the development team !

TTimo is a coder and Linux/OSX guru. He has many years of experience with online games working on big titles like Quake, Wolfenstein, Doom and of course Urban Terror. He is a specialist in porting games and network programming. TTimo also looks after the level design editor GtkRadiant.

Please feel free to welcome TTImo in our forum.

FTWGL Summer Bombs Away!

in Leagues - posted Friday, 29 June 2012 by FrozenSand

For The Win Gaming League opened up their registration for the Summer off-season bomb competition!

Double elimination knockout - rush to the top
Open map pool
2 days a week competition (Sunday 9pm and Tuesday 9:30pm)
Single division, bring your A game style of competition
EU/SA/NA are all welcome!

close on the 8th of July at midnight EDT. Matches start on Sunday the 10th of July.

Make sure your team is fully created / information filled here. You have to be logged in to join.

You can view the rules of the tournament here and the general FTWGL rules here.

Feel free to leave a comment in our forum.

Clanbase Summer Cups 2012

in Leagues - posted Sunday, 24 June 2012 by FrozenSand

Clanbase is ready for this year's Summer Cups !

5vs5 Freegametype CTF-TS-BOMB Summer cup 2012
2vs2 Team Survivor Summer cup 2012.

Signups close on the 1st of July at midnight CET.

Feel free to leave a comment in our forum.

The PSG-1

in UrT Resurgence - posted Saturday, 09 June 2012 by FrozenSand
Frozen Sand is proud to present you with a high resolution render of the PSG-1 primary semi-automatic sniper rifle that will be available in Urban Terror HD.

Please let us know what you think in our forum.

Urban Terror 4.2 RC on LAN 2k12 in Paris

in Urban Terror - posted Tuesday, 29 May 2012 by FrozenSand
Frozen Sand is pleased to announce that we have decided to make your wait for Urban Terror HD a little easier by working on an update to Urban Terror 4.1.1 which will be called Urban Terror 4.2. The Release Candidate will be play tested at the French Community's Lan which will be held June 30th to July 1st.

alert Urban Terror 4.2 is not to be confused with Urban Terror HD.

urt Urban Terror 4.2 changelog:

new hit detection.
new character animations.
new game mode: Last Man Standing (LMS) g_gametype 1.
bugfixed. "Follow The Leader bug, a subbed player can be chosen as a leader".
bugfixed. "Server Listing - Misrepresented Gametypes Error".
bugfixed. "Allowed Voting - Load up Time Dependency".
bugfixed. "Mini map - Subbed players seeing Active Players".
bugfixed. "Dropping nades/Going to Spectator".
bugfixed. "Ready Command/ Role Swap Command Discontinuity".
potentially fixed "999'ers hold up the game" in TS.
colour tags don't shorten maximum server host name in server browser.
fixed breathing sound when the game is paused.
stamina regeneration frozen when the game is paused.
fixed hotpotato time after a pause.
sr8 drop exploit fixed.
voting rcon exploit fixed.
weapon reloading/switching bug fixed.
going on a ladder with an armed nade will now put the pin back in.
enable booting when bomb is held.
no throwing of last knife.
fixed g_teamautojoin when going to spectator.
callvote kick/clientkick now enforces a reason as an additional argument.
reload button to cycle backwards in spectator mode.
fix for the master servers.
locked r_intensity, cg_physics and r_smp.
demo automatically starts recording when joining a game that has already started (with g_matchmode 1 and cg_autoRecordMatch 1).
you can "steal" the captain status when his connection is interrupted.
when a team mate requests a medic his name flashes on the mini scoreboard.
demo stops recording at the end of a map (with g_matchmode 1 and cg_autoRecordMatch 1).
added cg_drawKillLog 0/1/2 (0 = no kill log ; 1 = old log like in 4.1 ; 2 = new log: player 1 [Weapon] player 2).
added g_ctfUnsubWait, if set to 1 someone who unsub in wave CTF mode will wait the next wave to spawn.
added /rcon smite <player> command, instantly kill a player.
added /forcesub command (for captains in match mode), force a player of our team to become a substitute.
added g_allowChat 3 - allow only the captains to talk during a match (only when both teams are ready).
added cg_demoFov, it allows to change the fov from 70 to 140 when watching a demo.
updated the UI.
updated the cfg files.
fixed team mate healbar with short names (eg. a dot).
callvotes are now logged in the server logs.
fixed ligthing on ut4_casa.
selective weapon/item pickup (+button7) (see README-cg_autoPickup).
increased the maximum number of demos.
fixed weapon selection bug where the last weapon chosen was disappearing when selecting a team.
fixed map arrows size on big maps.
fixed the hands when holding a G36.
now draw the name of the guy who planted the bomb.
the SPAS has now 8 bullets instead of 6.

We are also including an auto-updater to make maintaining Urban Terror 4.2 easier !

fr LAN 2k12

C'est parti pour 20h de jeu Urban Terror non-stop !

information Sign up for here for LAN 2K12 in Paris, France.

Feel free to leave a comment in our forum.

Jump Mode Notice

in UrT Resurgence - posted Monday, 21 May 2012 by FrozenSand
Jump Mode is planned to have its own gametype in Urban Terror HD. You may have already had a taste of it when you tried out our HD Alpha. Now Frozen Sand has included a second Jump mode: "Team Jump Mode" !

Jump modes:

Jump Training, a kind of free-for-all where each player has his/her own objectives.

Team Jump Mode, more dedicated to competition and teamwork in Urban Terror. Two teams jump against each other with points to collect and the clock to beat.

Our goal is to develop the competition aspect of this game mode for both individual and team play.

Some of the features for these modes:
Gametype 9 (Jump Training) and gametype 10 (Team Jump Mode).
Players are invincible, they cannot break their legs or die.
A cvar g_ghostPlayers (0/1), when activated it will not be possible to "block" other players.
Crystals to collect, each giving a point.
Spectators can chat with players in game and vice versa.
Radio binds are activated for both modes.
A cvar g_noStamina (0/1) which allows beginners to turn off stamina.
A cvar g_maxWallJumps (0/100) which allows either to turn off walljumps, or to grant a certain number of wall jumps according to the requirements of a map.
Start and Finish lines to be placed at the beginning and end of a map.
A stopwatch which starts as soon as you cross the start line, and which of course stops by touching the finish line.
Auto-saving of the best time made during the game so you can try to beat your own record time.
Two cvars /savePos and /loadPos to save and go back to your saved position.
It is possible to see all players on the minimap (Jump Training).
A Jump scoreboard at the end of the round with the number of crystals collected, the best time, etc.
A system of centralised statistics coupled with the authentication system of Urban Terror HD.

Please note that this is work in progress. And we want your input ! You can help us by visiting our forum, and give us your opinion. All suggestions are welcome !

The MP5A4

in UrT Resurgence - posted Friday, 18 May 2012 by FrozenSand
Frozen Sand is proud to present you a high resolution render of the MP5A4 secondary rifle that will be available in Urban Terror HD.

Please feel free to comment in our forum.

Network specialist Evilelf joins Frozen Sand

in Urban Terror - posted Thursday, 10 May 2012 by FrozenSand

Frozen Sand is proud to announce that Evilelf has joined the FS development team !

Evilelf holds a masters in Computer Engineering at the University of Maryland. He also received his CCIE in Routing and Switching. Among other things Evilelf builds networks to reduce the cost of infrastructures and increase their performance to benefit all of the Urban Terror community.

Evilelf will work with Raider and Kalish in building an advanced network to provide efficient distribution of Urban Terror.

Please feel free to comment in our forum.

The ZM LR300 ML

in UrT Resurgence - posted Thursday, 26 April 2012 by FrozenSand
Frozen Sand is proud to present you a high resolution render of the ZM LR300 ML primary assault rifle that will be available in Urban Terror HD.

Comments and questions are welcome in our forum.

Sign ups open for the Urban Zone League

in Leagues - posted Wednesday, 18 April 2012 by FrozenSand
The Urban Zone League is inviting everyone interested to join the 15th CTF season and the 8th TS season.

Sign ups will be open until April 24 and Urban Zone accepts all who do.

Urban Zone has short and fast seasons with a simple and effective promotion system to ensure tough competition and thrilling matches.

For more information and signing up visit

You can also leave a comment in our forum.
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