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UrT-TV - new website launched

in Media - posted Monday, 06 September 2010 by FrozenSand

UrT-TV, the LIVE broadcasters of the largest Urban Terror leagues and matches, are back with their latest work. A new Homepage, which came online yesterday, with some new features.

Even more user friendly, find currently scheduled GTV matches easily, as well as demos from previous broadcasts via a totally new Demo Database.

With the Today‘s GTV script you are always up to date. You can see all the scheduled matches UrT-TV is planning to GTV today.

The GTV Bot has been re-done also. With the GTV Bot, you can get all the information about any match you like. It‘s the central point of UrT-TV. The Bot is located in #urt-tv @ Quakenet.

The Demo Database is a new way of demo online storage. Designed for quick and easy download of demos. Just enter a team name and download all of their demos.

UrT-TV brings Urban Terror matches right onto your display so that you can see the game's best players live!

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Signups For Urban Zone Leagues Open

in Leagues - posted Sunday, 05 September 2010 by FrozenSand
The signups for Season 3 and 10 of Urban Zone TS and CTF Leagues are now open!

After an easy summer and on the heels of the skeetshoot tournament, Urban Zone are returning to their roots and bringing you yet another season of Capture the Flag and Team Survivor leagues.

And of course, you are all invited!

Visit and sign up for one or both competitions.

The leagues are team based competitions intended mainly for European teams. However, separated divisions for teams from the rest of the world will be created provided there is enough interest.

Sign-ups will be open from September 5 and will last until September 24 and the competition will start soon after.

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Signups open - ClanBase OpenCup's Fall 2010

in Leagues - posted Wednesday, 01 September 2010 by FrozenSand

The signups for the Fall 2010 OpenCups are open,
this season Clanbase will have a TS cup and a CTF one.
Let's beat the record of signups they set last season!

Want to mess with the best european UrT teams in one of those gametypes...
and why not beat them ?

Then head up there to sign-up:
Team Survivor Cup
Capture The Flag Cup

General information:
Team-size: 5 vs 5
This is mainly an European cup,
but clans from other regions are welcome as well.
i.e.: American Idols who did compete last season

Signing-up period will close the 12th of September.

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The Cascade of new content continues

in Urban Terror - posted Thursday, 26 August 2010 by FrozenSand
As more and more content is being finalised for the next release of Urban Terror, we thought it would be nice to give you all a preview of the latest map by NulL;



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Urban Zone - Skeet Shoot Tournament

in Leagues - posted Sunday, 22 August 2010 by FrozenSand

The Urban Zone League is organizing their first:

Skeet Shoot Tournament

"What is that?" You may wonder.

Well in short:
"One team of bots flying through the air. And you shooting the bots out of the air!! Hit them before they die!!"

For all the information you need to join and play in the Skeet Shoot Tournament please visit the Urban Zone League website.

Also the video below is a nice preview of what to expect.


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New sniper rifle on the workbench

in Urban Terror - posted Tuesday, 17 August 2010 by FrozenSand
Smachine and Frankie V have teamed up to produce the French FR-F1 sniper rifle as a replacement for the aging Remington SR8.

Smachine is responsible for the new paint job where the modeling and shading needs were handled by Frankie V with the help of BladeKiller.

some more pictures:

Also under the heading of general house keeping all three game flags have been polished up with a bit more detail in design and texturing:

And a quick peek of Misterbean's .44 Magnum with some shader love along with H0i's new and improved k-bar as a replacment for the knife.

This new shader allows for the texture artists to control how textures react to light. This will make assets appear more realistic. In the picture below you can clearly see that the scratches on the weapon react to light a lot stronger than in other areas. This is just one of the many things that can be done with the shader.

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ClanBase OpenCups Fall 2010 - help wanted

in Leagues - posted Monday, 16 August 2010 by FrozenSand
The Spring 2010 season has just closed, but the Fall one is slowly showing its nose. It is time to set it up, but this can only be done with your help!

Wondering how you can help? Below are a few things for how to do that:

Clanbase is currently looking for new cup supervisors, as some decided to retire.
Feel like you're up for the task ? Then apply here

Do you have any inputs on last season regarding the cup layouts, rules, gametypes, ... ?
Then post those in the comments, or contact Clanbase in #clanbase.urt on Quakenet.
Any suggestions will be welcome and done if it's what the community wants.

Be sure to stay tuned for more information, the signups will open soon.

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FTWGL Season 3!

in Leagues - posted Saturday, 10 July 2010 by FrozenSand

FTWGL Season 3 sign-ups are now open!

Come check out the latest updates for season 3, register your team, and vote on upcoming changes. Currently we have 30 teams registered for Team Survivor and 22 teams registered for Capture The Flag. The planned start date for the season is still in the works.

Currently we have polls up for: Forfeit wins, league format, roster lock, and CTF match times. (These rules will directly impact Season 3 so we urge you to vote. Click on the link below to be directed to our polls.)

Current Polls:

If you have any questions please email us at or catch us on IRC... #ftwgl @ or click here to use the web based chat

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Preview - Suburbs Updated

in Maps & mapping - posted Thursday, 01 July 2010 by FrozenSand
The upcoming update to Suburbs provides quite a few improvements to the gameplay and overall look of the level, with Team Survivor and Bomb mode seeing substantial changes to overall playability.

Major changes to gameplay for Team Survivor. Roof access is more controlled to make the level as a whole less roof heavy, though there still is quite a bit of vertical play.
Updates to CTF consist of route adjustments and changes to spawn room cover.
Bomb mode has new bomb and spawn locations, and also has more controlled roof access. Fixed Bomb spawn bug.
Spawn points and flag locations have been changed for Capture and Hold. There are now three flags in Capture and Hold.
Targeted ambient lighting added to give shadowy areas simulated depth.
Updated all func_walls to match the architecture of the rest of the level.
Updated the skybox and added additional environmental areas.
Changed the internal configuration of the enterable buildings for faster egress.
Added more cover to gameplay areas.
Compiled with FS_q3map_Radbump_4!

New compiler modifications by Twentyseven provide radiosity bumpmapping and specular lighting goodness which stays crunchy, even in milk!

more screenshots:

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Urban Zone Summer Cup 2010

in Leagues - posted Saturday, 26 June 2010 by FrozenSand
The 3rd Urban Zone Summer Cup is going to start!

start: the 28th of June.

You can sign up throughout the event. It's a 12 week cup and each week has a special theme with its own set of maps. There are loads of custom map weeks too - if you're the adventurous type this is definitely something for you. The competition is in ladder format so you can play as many wars as you want.

Currently 45 clans have signed up, clans from the North/South-American and Asia-Pacific regions are also invited.

For more information head over to Urban Zone or join #urban-zone on quakenet

Feel free to comment here

PS The 12th week features new custom maps, so if you're working on a new map check out this.
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