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Putting The Pieces Into Place

in Urban Terror - posted Saturday, 05 September 2020 by FrozenSand
As some of you might have noticed on the official Urban Terror Discord, we have been adding a few people over the last few weeks to the blue group.

New Faces

In our latest Q&A post we already announced Neon as our new QA manager, but he wasn’t the only one to make the step from the Quality Assurance team to FrozenSand.

Joining us from Italy is Markinho, a long time player who some might already be familiar with from his jump maps he created, most notably as part of the duo which made 'Moria'. First part of the QA team, now has joined the devteam to help us create props, which will be a big help to get many of the placeholders out of the way.

Alongside them, a French programmer by the name of Holycrap has just signed his paperwork to join us. Living abroad in the US at the moment to get a PhD in aerospace engineering, with a drive to help the team where needed.
In the UrT space he was part of the moderation team for the French community forums and has now returned to the game after taking a break for his studies.


Returning to FrozenSand after a hiatus is another programmer, Zenity. He has used his time away from the game to work on other projects and is coming back to us with a renewed passion and drive to push Urban Terror 5 to a state in which we can invite all of you to try the game out yourselves!
During his first time with the team, he focused mainly on the movement implementation, as well as the guns and their behavior, something he will be picking up again.
If you would like to find out more about his work, feel free to have a look at his devblog posts.

Please take a moment to welcome them all to our team, committing their free time to help develop Urban Terror 5 for you to play for free!
comments: Feel free to discuss this on our forums

Summer Update

in UrT Resurgence - posted Sunday, 23 August 2020 by FrozenSand

It's been some time since we last released some news, sorry about that! Many of us have been taking a little break and enjoyed the weather after being locked to our homes due to the pandemic and are now returning, ready to keep pushing for Urt 5!

Changes in the QA team

While we were away, things didn't completely come to a stillstand. Our QA team has given us very valuable feedback so far and we were able to improve core mechanics, like the movement, and bring it closer to what you would expect for Urban Terror.

Unfortunately during this time, Slis notified us that his life had gotten too busy to be handling QA responsibilities, as he had just gotten engaged.
Luckily, we already had somebody in QA who was helping us and Slis before that, and he decided to apply for the vacant position. Some of you might have already seen him be active on the Discord server, and a few noticed his new blue colors, for the rest we would like you to give a warm welcome to Neon, who has joined us and will be taking over QA from now on!

We would like to thank Slis for his work and efforts to bring the alpha testing on a very good track, setting up a workflow that has given us good results and wish him all the best for him and his soon-to-be wife.

Better late than never - Question and Answers

We promised you to be able to ask us questions a while ago, but other things took priority soon after, so apologies for the delay. We have already set up everything for you to post your questions, so no further push backs - promise!

You will be able to post your questions both on our forums or on our subreddit for 2 weeks, until Sunday, 6th of September midnight UTC timezone. We want to give everyone a chance to get their questions out there and will then select some of them to answer. For more info on the format, please read the announcement post in either our forums or on Reddit.

> Forums
> Reddit

Urban Terror 5 Jump Mode Gameplay

in UrT Resurgence - posted Wednesday, 17 June 2020 by FrozenSand

Work in progress
Information: Click here to read more about the Jump Mode in the upcoming Urban Terror 5.

Urban Terror 5 Turnpike Audio

in UrT Resurgence - posted Wednesday, 17 June 2020 by FrozenSand

Work in progress
Information: Click here to read more on the audio update for Turnpike on Urban Terror 5.

Then & Now: Algiers - A Quick Comparison

in UrT Resurgence - posted Thursday, 21 May 2020 by FrozenSand

Information: Work in progress
comments: Feel free to discuss this on our forums

Urban Terror 5: The April Update

in UrT Resurgence - posted Tuesday, 28 April 2020 by FrozenSand
Hello everyone, we hope you are all doing fine during this time of social distancing and maybe come together by enjoying a few rounds of Urban Terror with your friends from home! 😊

We have certainly kept ourselves busy and used some of that extra free time to bring Urban Terror 5 one step closer with the introduction of a new game mode, but also through the addition of the next batch of alpha testers, who have joined us over the course of last week.

So, what is that new game mode?

At the core of Urban Terror, we strongly believe in the gameplay that everyone has grown to love, moving quickly around the map by circle jumping, walljumps and powerslides. Over the past few months, we have seen an increase of older players coming back, and something that has been mentioned more than anything is just that: the movement.
To us, it is important to transport that feeling you know and love to the new Urban Terror 5, and to help us with fine-tuning, we now have the Jump mode in the game (thank you Barbie)!
To those who are already familiar with the current Jump mode in Urban Terror 4 this will sound familiar: being able to save and load positions as well as a timer to show off your best times to complete a map, among other features to make it a core game mode in Urban Terror 5.

Speaking of maps, to complement the new mode, we have introduced a short jump map that is now available to all our QA testers.

News from QA

As mentioned earlier, we expanded our team of QA testers. This time around we invited quite a few mappers to the mix to help us test our workflow for creating custom maps. It will be very interesting to see what they are able to come up with, but also see map conversions from Urban Terror 4 to the new engine and help our devs to have more information to work with.

From what we have been told by our longer standing QA team, in the beginning it could feel a little overwhelming, trying to get adjusted to the workflow, but there was a lot of positive feedback. Everyone is really finding their own footing in the project and welcomed all the new people to the team with a testing session only a few hours after they had joined us. Participation is great and we cannot wait to see what is going to happen next, especially with all the ideas for maps!

Let us know your thoughts – Question and Answers!

We realize that there might be some questions that still have gone unanswered. Maybe there is a suggestion you have for us? What would YOU like to see in the future?
We will be trying something new in the upcoming days!

During the next week we will be posting to our Reddit (don’t worry, we will remind you!) and that is your chance to have all of these answered. We will pick some of the questions and take the feedback into consideration and answer them in a separate post.
Take the opportunity, make your voice heard and support what you feel passionate about!

And finally..

We want to use this opportunity to give a big thank you to OhJay for all the work he has done for us.
You helped everyone where you could, and your updates were always engaging. We will miss your drive to push everyone and wish you all the best for your next chapter in life!
comments: Feel free to discuss this on our forums

UZ Skeet Shoot Tournament 2020

in Leagues - posted Tuesday, 28 April 2020 by FrozenSand

Urban Zone has rebooted an old competition in its #stayhome series; this time it’s the Skeet Shoot Tournament!

Signups are open until Thursday 23:59 CEST, so be quick and head over to the Urban Zone website for all the details.

It has been 8 years since the last tournament like this so it might be new to many of you. This promo video from the last competition will give you an idea of what it entails:


Urban Zone's StayAtHome 2v2 tournament coming soon!

in Leagues - posted Monday, 06 April 2020 by FrozenSand

Greetings all!

Coming up we have the next Urban Terror competition thanks to SevenofNine and Urban Zone. This is a 2v2 competition, aptly named the 'STAY AT HOME 2v2 TOURNAMENT'.

With a limit of 16 teams and sign-ups opening in just over a week on April 15th (12:00 CEST) you might want to have your finger on the button so you don't miss out.

To make things interesting this competition will be played over two days starting on Saturday 18th and concluding the following day.

As an added bonus there will be prize money for the winners and potentially the runners up too!**

For all the details click here and head over to the Urban Zone site.

[**] This tournament is not run by FrozenSand and as such we cannot guarantee the prize money, and is the responsibility of SevenofNine and Urban Zone in its entirety.

A message from FrozenSand

in Urban Terror - posted Sunday, 05 April 2020 by FrozenSand
Just a quick message to everyone in our community and beyond.

We sincerely hope all of you are keeping safe and healthy as possible during this period of uncertainty and crisis that we are facing.

Now more than ever we need to be more conscious of those around us that are struggling and in need of our support or a kind word. Quite often just showing a little bit of compassion can make all the difference.

"Are you OK?"

It doesn't cost you anything to say these three little words but it could mean the world to someone that thinks no one cares.

There is so much loss and loneliness and despair in the world right now if ever there was a time to set aside our differences and work together to help and support each other in any way we can, it is now.

Many people are now stuck at home by themselves without an income - and the future full of worry. During this time many will turn to games like Urban Terror to help lighten their day and relieve their loneliness as much as they can.

As they say, 'a burden shared is a burden halved'. By being amongst like-minded people who are all in the same situation together and supporting each can make a huge difference to someone's outlook on life in general.

So please take this time to be extra nice and respectful to new people (and old of course), and if possible put that socialite hat on and get to know people a little - make sure they are doing ok. This will bring the community closer together and help keep the environment fun and welcoming for all.

If we do this, maybe, just maybe, during games played or conversations held, we might be able to help people forget the situation they are in. Even just for a second or two.

Stay tuned for some cool events coming up.

Stay safe and close to those you care about. Tell the people you love that you love them as much as possible because one day they won't be there anymore.

A once in a hundred-year event they say...whatever it is we'll get through it together.

- The FrozenSand Team

Nations Cup XXIII at Urban Zone

in Leagues - posted Tuesday, 03 March 2020 by FrozenSand
Ladies and gentlemen,

It’s been a fairly intense start of the year with the imminent start of the alpha testing for Urban Terror 5 and one of the most highly skilled Urban Zone cup in years!

It’s been only a few months since the last NationsCup took place. It seems as though it was just yesterday that France managed to defeat Argentina on Cambridge by six rounds.

Elevating to the outstanding number of 7 NationsCup gold cups, France is now again ahead of Portugal in the ALL-TIME RANKINGS.

We will be going through the captain designation process in the UZ forums in the next weeks. Note that players are still in time and free to apply to become the captain of their country, but competition experience is, of course, expected (find more info on the UZ). The NC staff is also looking for people ready to help them in the organization (GTV cameraman, streamers, newswriter, demo reviewing, etc). So please step up if you want to help!

Urban Terror's most awaited competition will be running after the following schedule:

•March 04 - Captain applications launched
•March 11 - Start of the captain's vote stage
•March 18 - End of voting stage, Captains announcement
•March 22 - Groups published
•March 30 - Start of the first match week

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