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in Website & Forum - posted Sunday, 18 May 2014 by FrozenSand

Our pet webmonkey has been buzy with his band of trained coding fleas to bring us developer blogs. The dev team will be keeping you up to date in real time with their own works on UE4 Urban Terror HD.

Feel free to subscribe to the RSS Notifications and if you want to support us turn off adblock for us!

Enjoy Here.
comments: Feel free to discuss this on our forums

Forum temporarily down

in Website & Forum - posted Wednesday, 19 June 2013 by FS |HSO|RaideR

Yesterday we experienced a server crash which has corrupted the public forums database table POSTS.

As a result, the forums are down and could be down for some days.

Naturally, we are working hard to repair them.

The forum will get back online as soon as possible !

Thank you for your patience !

cut Fixed! Back online!

Seasons Greetings

in Website & Forum - posted Friday, 23 December 2011 by FrozenSand

From all of us here at Frozen Sand we would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

We have been loaned Santa's elves once they have finished making all your other presents so be sure to keep an eye on us !

Download the High Resolution version here.

Feel free to comment in our forum.

Glimpsing the future of Urban Terror HD

in Website & Forum - posted Friday, 30 September 2011 by FrozenSand
Frozen Sand has added a Urban Terror HD section to the site !

While we work on Urban Terror HD to be ready for release, you will find the Alpha versions for download here, plus all Urban Terror HD related News, Videos, Wallpapers, and more.

Check out our Urban Terror HD Screenshots & Previews area with promotional material for Urban Terror HD !

[Bonus] Here are some great Wallpapers that you might like to use on your desktop:

Please feel free to comment.

Website Fixes (Part 2) - Style

in Website & Forum - posted Tuesday, 16 March 2010 by FrozenSand
Dear Community!

The webteam at Urban Terror have been busy working on fixes for the most reported bugs.

Here are some of the issues that have been fixed:

You can now toggle on and off the Wide Forum View (only for logged in user)

Country Flags - if you have not set yours yet then go to your profile and do so.
National Groups, you wanted them, now you have them
*Minor* Login Issues corrected
Forum Sink Scripts adapted and fixed
Weird Group owner issue sorted
Stale Passports Auto-Prune (after 7 Days)
Numerous Typos corrected

That's it for now! More to come...

Regarding your Display name

in Website & Forum - posted Saturday, 06 March 2010 by FrozenSand
Since the launch of the new website, we have had many complaints and requests, as well as many many compliments. Thank you!

One of the most common suggestions we've seen on our forums is to allow for more flexible display naming. This was a surprise for us, because none of the beta testers had expressed this concern. But we love you all, and have decided to listen, a bit.


So now, you can choose how your "Passport ID" is displayed. You can add upper characters, spaces, accents and " .-". The displayed name must match the Passport ID, but you now have more cosmetic options.


We have added the option to add your clan's tag to your name. Of course, to be able to use a particular tag, you must be a member of that particular group because the group owns the tag. It is simple and secure : you 'wear' the tag of your clan on both the website and the forums, so everybody will know that you are a trusted member of that clan !

Click on your Passport profile, and enjoy !

Thank you for the feedback!! We will continue work on some of your other suggestions!

Welcome to the *ALL NEW* Official Urban Terror Website!

in Website & Forum - posted Saturday, 27 February 2010 by FrozenSand
Dear Urban Terror Community, your attention please!
In preparation for the launch of Urban Terror 4.2, we are proud to present the new home of Urban Terror! As you can see, we have had a complete overhaul. So without further ado let us get down to business.

Urban Terror Passport / Single sign-on
From now on, you will have one and the same account for our website and forum. This account is called 'Passport'. In the future, your Passport will also be used for the yet to be released in-game Authentication system.

Existing users:
Your old forum account has been disabled. But do not panic. You can register a UrT Passport with the same nickname here. Afterward, follow the "merge your account" instructions, to get back all your forum posts from the old account.

New Users:
Register your Passport here. This is not yet required to play the game, but it makes sure nobody else claims your nickname and allows you to post on the forums.

NB: There is nothing to download YET! You are only getting ready for Passport, the game files are not available and neither is 4.2

You can also register groups, please visit the new areas of the website and you will see all the new website has to offer! Full docs are available if you get stuck.

Credits and Thanks

Special thanks to Kalish, Raider, Kalish's Wife, Frankie_V's cat, Bladekiller's mouse, The UAA, and all others that have helped.

So from all of us at the FrozenSand Web Team, have fun and enjoy the new website!

Please note: All Case / nickname violations / and error found in the naming on this site are being looked at. Thank you for your support in this matter.
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Heavy Web Overhaul in the books

in Website & Forum - posted Monday, 22 February 2010 by FrozenSand
You may have noticed that the forum has been in BETA for a while now. Well, in a bit we'll discover it's finished!! Then the inevitable will happen and we'll decide to hit the launch button.

To cut to the chase, it means that at some point in the coming weeks this site will go into Transformer-mode as can be seen in the preview below:

Don't worry, you will notice when it happens as you will be asked to re-register when the overhaul has been completed.

Please make sure to register with the same e-mail address, it makes merging of your 'current' and 'new' account easier.

NB: If you are currently using a hotmail e-mail address, we have to recommend that you change it to something else, like gmail because Hotmail blocks a lot of our registration e-mails.

Your Security in Mind

in Website & Forum - posted Saturday, 26 September 2009 by FS |HSO|RaideR
Due to the nature of our system, security is right at the top of our concern list. To this end we are now validated on our domain with a genuine SSL Certificate. We hope that this settles a few minds about people stealing your personal data or even your passport key!

New Official YouTube Channel

in Website & Forum - posted Thursday, 27 August 2009 by FrozenSand
With the kind assistance from |HSO|Decoy FrozenSand now has an official YouTube channel called UrbanTerrorOfficial. We have uploaded the two videos by Frankie_V regarding the player model animations. You can view them at and We will upload videos about different aspects of the game we think the community will be interested in. Stay tuned.
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