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The 27 Days of Terror: Day 2 - Community Expectations

in Urban Terror - posted Sunday, 06 August 2006 by FrozenSand
The development team holds close ties with their community since the beginning of Urban Terror back in 2000. During that time we have listened to suggestions, feedback and criticism from the community that has made Urban Terror what it is today.

We know that anticipation and excitement runs high as the development team and community gear up for a new version to be released. Sometimes that anticipation has paid off with a great release, while other times frustration quickly set in upon release due to a missed bug or some sort of niggle [that is coder speak] that should have been resolved prior to release.

This upcoming release is one of the most highly anticipated releases based strictly on the amount of time the development team has spent refining and updating the current version [3.7] you are playing online.

For months many gamers have been speculating on the release, while others have quit asking and some have taken the "it's done, when it's done" approach. Hmmm, who coined that phrase? A day does not go by the question is not asked, “When is Urban Terror being released????

The 27 Days of Terror: Day 1

in Urban Terror - posted Saturday, 05 August 2006 by FrozenSand
Today begins the first of twenty-seven updates in the development of the new version of Urban Terror as we close in on the actual release. While it has been over a year since the last release, v3.7, much has transpired since that time. Rehashing some of the old news, we made a few announcements about converting the mod to RtCW:ET, which was cancelled by the development team. Prior to that we incorporated as a legitimate business, while Silicon Ice Development may live on in our memories, the development team became officially known as Frozen Sand, LLC. We spent about 12 months working on a playable demo that we showed off to some in the industry who provided input and feedback.

We did take a considerable amount of time off from any sort of development from Urban Terror. When we made the decision to move forward with a new release [you know it as 3.8], it was originally intended to be a small patch in order to fix some minor issues and provide an update to some of the current levels. Tub has spent a goodly amount of time updating his levels and instead of letting them go to waste we decided this would form the basis of our release. As usually happens with any update, minor changes are added, other levels are modified, models are tweaked, code is changed. Before you know it that \"small patch\" has suddenly turned into a full blown, major release. That is where we currently are on this current development cycle.

This release is going to be a whole lot more than \"just a step\" from 3.7 to 3.8. We are fully aware the community has been yearning to play a new version of Urban Terror for some time, an early or incomplete release would not have satisfied given the amount of time that had passed. I am sure some updated levels would have pleased Team Survivor and Capture the Flag players to some extent, but to the development team there would not have been closure on the mod. It is rare to see any development last that long on a single game on a dedicated engine.

While the development team has been streamlined, we do have some very dedicated individuals working to make this release happen. Even though the [development team] players have changed over the years, the game has stayed the same. We know our roots; gamers want to experience that fast paced action Quake III Arena is known for. People like TwentySeven, Bladekiller, RabidCow, HighSea, Lt1, |NV|S, Riche and ShminkyBoy, just to name a few have put forth great effort, long hours and sacrifice to complete this upcoming release.

Over the next 27 days you will see the fruits of our labor as we prepare for the release of Urban Terror. You will be given a look at the models, levels, weapons and other \"features and goodies\" that have been included during this development cycle, along with video shorts of the new Urban Terror. We will talk to the development team, along with some community supporters and people involved in leagues such as Clanbase and STA.

We look forward to providing this information and media to those in the community who have continued to stand by the development team and support the game they love to play, Urban Terror.


in Website & Forum - posted Wednesday, 02 August 2006 by FrozenSand
For those who visit on a regular basis to see the latest news and information, thank you for your support. It has been very quiet recently. Okay maybe a bit longer than recently. Consider that the "calm before the storm" as there will be new material posted later this week, as the new version is coming together quickly. Before you know it, you will be downloading the newest version and fragging for hours.

The development team does want to thank Ghozt who continues to maintain and update the forums, along with a slick design from illogical and our two Admins, Kr0m and Preat, things are moving along nicely. We also want to pay hommage to MidgetKiller who recently took the web site down for some work and to upgrade the site. Both the forums and web site are back up and online, better than ever.

As for what we have planned. Well, glad you keep asking because the new version of Urban Terror does exist and is playable. So we can put all those "it will never come out" comments to rest and look forward to what the new version will bring about. There are still gamers who have a great time playing, as we approach our 6th year working on Urban Terror. The day prior to, or the day of we will have a dedicated Urban Radio show, going back over the previous years and look forward and see what is in store for the development team.

We still have good support from web sites and leagues, such as STA and Clanbase, so look forward to an upcoming league featuring the new version of Urban Terror (sigh of relief). While it is never too early, if you have massive bandwidth and are interested in hosting the files for release day, e-mail oswald @

More screenshots and information....stay tuned!

Friday Night Fights. Go Ballz Deep!

in Leagues - posted Thursday, 01 June 2006 by FrozenSand
I want to personally thank Headshot for extending the invitation to join in the Friday Night Fight! last week. I do believe everyone who played had a great time playing CTF on some of the classic Urban Terror levels such as, Turnpike, Casa, Austria, Proving Grounds and more! If you "got da ballz" Friday is coming quick. Join BD Clan and gamers of all calibers from the Urban Terror Community as we all "go ballz deep" for some Urban Terror CTF action. The first 12 gamers are guaranteed a slot, signups will take place all day Friday, so don't forget to register. The game server and TS info is available on the BD-FNF web site. Join #bd for more information.

Showing Off the FRO!

in Media - posted Thursday, 01 June 2006 by FrozenSand
A bit late on the "official" opening of the new look FROservers, but J0E and Preat are sporting a new look "fro." The continue to provide some outstanding support to Urban Terror. "We are back with a new website and a fresh database based on a new improved engine. We decided to clean out all the old stuff including all our users to get a fresh start," says J0E. Like the mod, it cannot continue to thrive [or is that survive] without YOUR support. So go get your fro on at FROservers and let the guys know what you think. The development team is glad to see support sites for the game. Thanks a million to everyone who continues to play Urban Terror. And yes, 3.8 is nearly completely!

Friday Night Fights. Do You Got Ballz?

in Leagues - posted Monday, 22 May 2006 by FrozenSand
We had a test last night, to see how an organized Friday Night Fights would go. It was a spur of the moment thing. We did manage to get enough people together to have a few good rounds of play. I'm sure it would have done better if it was organized sooner. After seeing the turnout we got this week, there is a good possibility that we will have them again.

This from Headshot of Ballz Deep #bd on ETG. Join Ballz Deep Clan this coming Friday for Friday Night Fights.

In case you weren't around last night for the fights. It was a very simple setup. People registered for a two map round. Then everyone got on teamspeak and we chose two captains who then picked the teams. Playground sports pick style. There were 3 rounds, each starting at the top of an hour. Each map would be 20 minutes long, with a 10 minute break in between to talk strategies or the usual piss, smoke or food break. As it turned out last night, we used it to add a couple more players to each team. All the action is scheduled to take place Friday, May 26 beginning at 6PST/9EST. There will be 16 slots for each round. The first 12 are guaranteed a spot. The extras will be in case someone doesn't show, or we decide to go 7v7 or 8v8. For sign ups and more information visit the BD Friday Night Fights page. Spread 'em bioyach. We're going ballz deep!

FRO Going Pro!

in Media - posted Sunday, 21 May 2006 by FrozenSand
Just in from J0E of FRO Servers, " webby has been down for about 10 days now as i am rebuilding the site from scratch. I got a new safe "engine" that are faster and more secure." The upcoming web site will feature: New layout no more flash I am adding 350+ Urban Terror files on the site all with thumbnails and descriptions. Playerstats on all my servers Serverstats on all my servers I will of course cover all Urt related news New forums with GTV FAQ Gamepanel login to gameservers and GTV servers and much more... Current plans have FRO Servers ready to roll out the new and improved web site on Sunday, May 28. For more information and details go to FRO Servers or e-mail J0E at

Fraggin' in da Hood

in Urban Terror - posted Saturday, 20 May 2006 by FrozenSand
Today we bring you more screenshots of an upcoming level from Urban Terror. Today's offering, ut_crewnshaw brought to you by |NV|S, who actually barely escaped with his life trying to get photographs from the hood. Remember, you got to fly the right colors when in Crenshaw.

From the screenshots you can see some exciting changes, such as the terror taking place during nighttime as opposed to daytime in previous versions. "I'll be adding some new faster routes to the flag, and there will be some areas that will require some climbing or wall jumping to get to," says |NV|S. When looking at the new layout, gamers can expect a Crenshaw that is now the size of the highly popular, Turnpike, "it's much faster paced for CTF and for TS/Bomb." The entire level is also being modelled in Maya as opposed to Radiant.

For all those gamers who want to frag "old school" ut_docks will have a facelift. |NV|S says, "I am totally retexturing Docks as well, there will be no route or game play changes, but a major "sexification pass" will be done on it. Screenshots on that will be forthcoming as well."

Rommel Revisited

in Urban Terror - posted Thursday, 18 May 2006 by FrozenSand
Yes, believe it or not development does continue on Urban Terror. As for news, it's been rather quiet for some time as we continue to put the finishing touches on the next release. Today we have a few more shots from an updated Rommel, originally designed by Bar-B-Q, since then updated and revised by Bladekiller and RabidCow.

As for a release date, we have a general idea as to when we would like to get it to the gaming community, but are going to hold back for a bit longer until we are sure we are ready for the release. Once the announcement is made we will start coordinating our efforts to get FTPs and web sites to host the new files.

Tour Thingley

in Urban Terror - posted Sunday, 26 February 2006 by FrozenSand
One of the new levels that will be included in the upcoming release is called Thingley (ut_thingley) developed by newcomer, Riche. The level is based off off Thingley, Wiltshire in southwest England. This is one those levels that has been under constant change from the first day it was added. Along with testers providing their feedback and assessment of gameplay on Thingley, BladeKiller and RabidCow have been involved heavily with transforming Thingley from what it was originally, to where the map is today.

Some of the changes in the level are subtle, such as changing texturing, adding trim to buildings, the placement of flower beds or the height of a wall. other changes were fairly major, such as lowering the red side of the level [accomplished by RabidCow], working on the spawn location in relation to the position of the flag. RabidCow also removed some of the buildings [created in Radiant] and replaced them with full scale models created in 3D Studio Max.

Other changes including a well model in the park, most of the tunnels were made into Z-shapes, gave buildings overhangs and chnaged long straightways so they are jogged [can't give snipers that advtange now, can we?], added stone walls in the park and modified some of the wooden fences into stone and rot iron on the main street. Most of the chimneys were replaced with models or unique brushes. Riche also made a church for a different level, which he then created a prefab and included it in Thingley. Oh yeah, we also added a ferret!
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