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Urban Terror 24/7 Servers

in Urban Terror - posted Saturday, 30 July 2005 by FrozenSand
Few months back Wildcardz started a 24/7 Superman server. It has been really popular and after a few forum posts, I decided to expand on the number of servers. By request there are three 24/7 servers online now.

Superman (GOSU) -
Superman (Non-GOSU) -
Sands (Non-GOSU) -

As always I am open for suggestions.


Frozen Sand Help Wanted

in Urban Terror - posted Thursday, 14 July 2005 by FrozenSand
While Silicon Ice Development is no longer around, our new entity, Frozen Sand, LLC is. It is our goal is to expand the development of Urban Terror, therefore we're expanding our core team as well, we're recruiting for the following positions: character modeler, animator, map object modeler, texture artist, concept artist, sound effects & music, level designer and skinner.

UT + ET + MX = Frozen Sand

in Urban Terror - posted Thursday, 14 July 2005 by FrozenSand
Thanks in part to Midgetkiller (admin of the Map Depot), we have a new look web site for On behalf of Silicon Ice Development, we want to thank him for all the time and effort put in to creating the site. Also thanks to rashly of .:blam:. for updating the FAQ and finally to the community for providing their input and ideas on the Urban Terror Forums.

The website has not really changed too much, the look as been updated and we now have a PHP database, which should make archiving news a snap, along with providing more news quickly to the community. We also have a ?Submit News? tab that will allow you, the community to provide us with news. No more e-mailing, just submit and we will look it over and potential post your news. Hopefully the community will take advantage of this.

In May, 2004 a group of Silicon Ice Development members including Twentyseven, RabidCow, Bladekiller, HighSea and myself created a company called Frozen Sand, LLC. This company was a separate entity from SID, which was a team only in name. At the time of formation, we began working on a concept demo called Mercenary-X using Enemy Territory. It was our hopes we would present it to game companies and potentially secure contract work or the chance to work on our own unique game.

Visually Stunning

in Urban Terror - posted Sunday, 03 April 2005 by FrozenSand
Development continues as we put more time and effort into the port of Urban Terror to ET. Unlike our work on the Quake III Arena version, we have enlisted the assistance out community level designers who provide their levels (selected by the development team) to be included in the port to ET. We have sent initial e-mails out and have slowly been following up with some of them. Currently, it looks as if 12 will be the target number we are going to shoot for when the release rolls around. But like everything else, that number is subject to change.

I saw a few new threads started in the Urban Terror Forums, courtesy of the Mac Addicts, all of whom are excited at the potential prospects they could be playing UT with their PC counterparts when the jump to ET is release. We have not officially commented on this, but when we do, we will post it right here.

This week, it is more sexiness from Bladekiller and Tub, two of the more active development members, in terms of providing you, the gaming community eye candy. We have two new shots of the third 'red' skin from Bladekiller, along with two new screen shots from Tub of Algiers.

Welcome Flash

in Urban Terror - posted Sunday, 06 March 2005 by FrozenSand
It has been a few since we actually brought a new team member onboard the development team, but today we give him the official "hello." Silicon Ice Development is excited to welcome Florian "Flash" Garcia to the group.

Flash currently resides in Lyon France where, at age 24 he works as the lead graphic designer for a small, local company. He calls himself a "self made man" when it comes to the skills and talents he will bring to the team. His knowledge includes, Max, Maya, Lightwave and Zbrush.

His first order of business, was to animate a model we had created and skinned months ago, the Belgium made FN P90. You can download the reload sequence (thanks to & Wolfseye) to check out the latest! Flash is a much welcomed addition to the development team and comes from a strong gaming and development background. If you see him in IRC, give him a shout!

Gosu Terror

in Urban Terror - posted Friday, 04 March 2005 by FrozenSand
Recently some tests have started to pop up on community servers. There is nothing that needs to be downloaded on the client side, just the server side. That file is called "Gosu," which in Korean means "(lit. a better hand) is used to refer a person with great skill." In online gaming is refers to a "good player or item." Twentyseven has been experimenting with different damage values for the weapons. This allows the development team to collect a wide variety of feedback from all gamers in the community. And believe me, there has been some "interesting" feedback. You will know one of these server because it will show, SID Gosu Edition after you connect. Currently servers running Gosu (released today) are on version 7. Stop bu #urbanterror on ETG for more information and servers that have the test pak. Enjoy the terror!

Wanted: ETUT

in Urban Terror - posted Thursday, 27 January 2005 by FrozenSand
Are you skilled in the way of developing? Wanna use those skills in Urban Terror and have your work distributed in upcoming releases, such as ETUT? Silicon Ice Development is looking to expand its development team. This is not the first time we have turned to the community in search of quality amateur developers looking to strut their stuff and show off their work.

Currently, we are looking for a person who knows modelling and animation. And yes, it is to assist in finishing up the work for ETUT, in order to get the models rigged and animated and ported into the mod, so we can continue moving forward. It is also to give team members like Twentyseven, Highsea and other more time working on finishing other development tasks. We are also looking for a concept artist, someone who can visually create ideas we are working on to include, in order to turn those concepts into assets for the mod.

If interested the potential candidate should have strong animations skills, be competent in 3d Studio Max, be able to provide a portfolio, or examples of completed projects. As part of the development team you will help define animations that need to be accomplished. A strong background in art is preferred! Applicant should be able to work inwith toosl such as Maya, Lightwave and Max. If interested please e-mail

We have made mention of this fact before, when it comes to the models. We are also trying to remove all the "old" animations and update our work before releasing Urban Terror for ET.

ETUT Diary #3

in Urban Terror - posted Saturday, 22 January 2005 by FrozenSand
As mentioned on other web sites and on Urban Radio, the development team continues working towards the release of ETUT. On the outside, it looks like development might be slow to non-existant, but that is not even the case. As mentioned on Urban Radio, Bladekiller is still putting many hours of work into skinning the female model, which we will show off again, today. Bladekiller states, "none of them are finsihed yet..." The skin on the left and right are for the Red Team, while the middle skin is for the Blue Team.

Lt1 continues to spin his talents, showing off his latest creations over on Black Rayne. He continues to create new model paks that level designers can use for their levels. Today's screenies include a bathroom pak, two convience store paks and an updated brief cases.

As for a codebase update, most all of the code has been ported into ETUT. As we await for the completion of the models (including rigging and animation), Twentyseven will have to create meshs on the models to replace the existing ARIES hit detection. We may also tweak and correct a few items that still plague the mod.
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